
Hahaha, are their any other “-isms” you’d like to accuse me of while you’re all lathered up? News flash —you and your ilk’s faux outrage has gone on so long that we’ve reached a point where none of those accusations mean dick anymore, and no one to whom they’re directed gives a single shit about them.

Pull the tampon out already.

More xenophobic than racist, really.

Agreed; I should’ve been more clear in my post. I was talking more about the point where a kid gets to about 11 or 12, and their parents decide to specialize them in that sport, and then it becomes AAU-basketball levels, but for gymnastics.

You made some good points, and I don’t think I would ban any hypothetical daughter of mine from any sports she was into. I would be wary though, of letting a 10-14-year old girl get involved in that sport to the point where a need for year-round specialization was deemed “necessary.”

You made some good points, and I don’t think I would ban any hypothetical daughter of mine from any sports she was into. I would be wary though, of letting a 10-14-year old girl get involved in that sport to the point where a need for year-round specialization was deemed “necessary.”

Your first paragraph was a great point, and those are character-building qualities.. I shouldn’t be throwing too many stones; I played football for a sizable percentage of my life, which isn’t exactly the safest sport on Earth, by any means. That being said, from an injury standpoint, I was never anywhere close to

Disclosure, I don’t have kids but, when it comes to gymnastics, I always wonder, “What positive reason is there for letting your daughter get involved in that sport?”

I agree 100%. You always hear about athletes making a huge deal about “going out on top” and “leaving on my own terms,” but I think there’s something very admirable about a guy who says, “I’m going to keep playing and trying until they tell me it’s over.” Athletics have a finite shelf life; might as well enjoy it

I agree 100%. You always hear about athletes making a huge deal about “going out on top” and “leaving on my own terms,” but I think there’s something very admirable about a guy who says, “I’m going to keep playing and trying until they tell me it’s over.” Athletics have a finite shelf life; might as well enjoy it

Alabama has a higher percentage of black people than 44 other states.

Fair enough, but you should feel the same way about Chelsea Clinton if she ends up getting shoehorned into some political job that she doesn’t deserve too. Same side of the spectrum.

Fair enough, but you should feel the same way about Chelsea Clinton if she ends up getting shoehorned into some political job that she doesn’t deserve too. Same side of the spectrum.

Fair enough, but you should feel the same way about Chelsea Clinton if she ends up getting shoehorned into some political job that she doesn’t deserve too. Same side of the spectrum.

It’s just unreal the level of delusion that goes on with the modern-day left. I am a registered Democrat. Not in the Klan, don’t have any apparel with swastikas on it.

Hey, man, there was an abortion clinic shooting by a white guy pretty recently in 1984. That’s totally equivalent to the hundreds of thousands of people who died from other acts of terrorism since then.

My guess is that, at his age, he needs reading glasses and is too vain to wear them.

It’s the Dems that are reaping what they’ve sown in regards to that.

“A woman getting a NBA coaching job based on merit would already face an uphill battle in regards to gaining respect, so let me go ahead and adopt a policy of forced tokenism to ensure that no one ever believes she was qualified!”

“A woman getting a NBA coaching job based on merit would already face an uphill battle in regards to gaining respect, so let me go ahead and adopt a policy of forced tokenism to ensure that no one ever believes she was qualified!”