ricardo amanueces

Same here. The headline definitely made me go, “What’s happening in Florida now?”

This was definitely a headline that gave me a major doubletake for a few seconds. Then I said “awwww” and all was right with the world.

I like at the end (14:00-ish), she’s out in the hall saying “... finally there is some justice served” ... and goes on to talk about how she’d been to the DA (State’s Attorney) and the police, who I gather blew her off. Mistake!

a neighbor who had broken into her apartment and used it to throw a baby shower

Very well done, but I have one, admittedly not of the same scale, but just as devious. I somehow convinced the io9 staff to let me comment without being in the GRAY!!!!

I’m cautiously optimistic that we’ll get better female characters and a lot less bro-losophy in season 2 but, then again, I’d bet Michelle Monaghan wouldn’t have come out and said her character sucked before season 1 either.

Are there a lot of poor people flying 100 types of drugs frequently all over the world? I mean... aside from, y’know, drug mules. I’m not especially poor and I don’t fly “frequently” to multiple cities and apparently need pounds of drugs at my immediate disposal to do so. The folks I work with who do fly to multiple


PS. You know you’re onto something when not one but THREE Jez writers come after you

I AM enjoying the TSA instagram, though. Did you know you can bring a fish on the plane with you? As long as it’s in a sealed container less than 3 oz.

And fishies don’t have to go through xrays or pat-downs.


Also do not bring weed (or any other drug really) into Indonesia. Literally one of the first signs you see when you get off the plane:

How in the fuckity fuck is it 2015 and some ingenious asshole hasn’t created a fake vagina specifically for this with sensors and doodads that ring a loud noise and say things out loud like “That isn’t the vagina, wrong hole moron.”

This is very different. This is as if your friend was forced to submit to all her classmates examining her.

Is this actually commonplace? My best friend is in med school and for stuff like this (basically anything involving genitalia men or women) they have paid volunteers. Like people who literally get paid to be test subjects for them.

This whole thing is horrifying, but what the holy hell is happening with this sentence in particular?

25 year old girl makes music video with friends in it: people lose their natural mind.

Tayor Swift is the exact opposite of feminist. At every turn, she portrays a false victim... I still blame Kanye West for allowing that seed to be planted that makes her untouchable. Even in her quoted statements here, she wants you to believe that people are trying to hold her back. There is no one in the music

I think her whole video is the biggest name-drop ever.

To the dudes arguing that the rape scene was awesome: There’s not a woman on the planet who agrees with you. So shut up.

I called the cops once—and only once—on my mom’s boyfriend. He had physically attacked me. They looked at me, a teenager, and told my mom and her boyfriend I must be a handful and left. Didn’t leave a great impression and I never bothered calling again.