ricardo amanueces

Perhaps it's your general attitude that's turning people off and making it difficult to see the other 35 states of the Union as something other than a mass of stupidity and old people. Perhaps it's that and not the fact that we are so much less sophisticated and worldly and objectively* older-acting and less cool than

Yep. I also like how she unabashedly offended all people who don't live on a on a coast but then does the "my, aren't YOU defensive" schtick when I call her out. Barf.

My mom is about to turn 70 and has a twitter AND a Tumblr. She just gets social media in a way that I can't comprehend... I don't know whether I should be impressed or worried about my own technological shortcomings.

sounds like new Doug

I would have been your poor friend who showed up in her work clothes because she couldn't afford to take the day off, but would have sneaked you a card with a $50 bill in it and a bottle of Scotch when your mom wasn't looking - before I took off back to my job ;)

If you want cash, I think it's fine to suggest that simply by not registering for many things. But, the idea that it's "wasteful" to upgrade your silverware vs. pay off your debts(?) is essentially immaterial. You ask for what you want - it's not a question of nobility.

This. I am the Maid of Honor for my sister, who I absolutely love dearly, but I am in charge of throwing a bridal shower next month, and I have no idea how I'm going to afford it. I'm a full time student, volunteer, with no income, and $500 to my name (not including -$450 rent and bills due this week). I just ordered

Your position here confuses me. Your entire post rails against tradition and assumptions that things must be done a particular way for a wedding to be a proper one. It seems odd that it's just this one thing, the expectation that guests at a wedding will give gifts of some financial value at all, that should be taken

I would have liked to have a Honeyfund, but we were broke as hell and had a small wedding. We couldn't even do an open bar, just snacks and what not. So we literally wrote on our invites:

"Just came here to make the obvious joke like everyone else."

Because running away from a group of guys to want to beat you into the ground is a pussy move?

Honestly was expecting this to be a lot better.

Now playing

Not the same video as above but still enjoyable:

Number 9 is a badass runner. Everybody wants a piece of him, nobody got any.

Someone please set this to Benny Hill music.

You really want to know?

This isn't my wedding, but a lady I used to work with casually dropped that she had 60k gladiolas planted in Argentina a year in advance for her wedding and they got the color balance wrong and she was devastated.

One thing that I wish came up in these discussions is that while, (of course!) it is fine if you spent money you have to spend on your wedding, the weird reverse snobbery at people who spend less also silenty alienates (at least some of) people whose entire yearly earnings and budgets are less than what you spent on

Tell us more details about this $83k wedding!