Burners Baby Burners: Discussion Inferno

it used to be like “and this mark here means that this was made by Edwin Berksire in 1832 in Lower Spankton-on-the-Glenn, where he built a reputation for these whimsical flourishes that made the jug handles look like the king’s ears. Edwin tragically died in The Great Pig Fire of 1854, so now his works go for a great

I can't remember the last time I ordered a deluxe quarter pounder where I didn't have to take a napkin to it to remove 75% of the mayo. Are there people who actually enjoy that much mayonnaise?

Yeah, not sure who was asking for more sauce. Last time I got a deluxe QPC, it had so much mayo on it, I spit out a whole mouthful of nothing but mayo.

I feel that steakhouses are the worst value for a meal at a restaurant.  The majority of the work is being done by using a quality cut of meat in the first place.  If you start with good ingredients, cooking a great steak at home isn’t that hard.  

Does there really need to be that much sauce?? I am reminded of our Saturday Morning kids PSA admonition not to “drown your food”. I’m cool with a scant tablespoon. 

Back in the day (early 90's) when I worked at McD’s, the onions on the 10:1 patties, for regular burgers and Big Macs, where added directly to the burgers once flipped.  It seems they went away from this at some point, and now it is back. 

I was on Takeout... you know, the site dedicated to food and this was suggested under “You may also like...”.

Like how about instead of complaining, you fuckin figure it out, bud.

Maybe it’s because... let me check on the app quick... a small fry on it’s own is fucking $2.59. That’s 230 calories for $2.59. I can get a 250 calorie hamburger for $1.49 or a 400 calorie McDouble for $2.29. Like, I’m not here to do pricing strategy for you, McCEO.

One of the big reasons is McD’s raised their prices a lot. Much higher than inflationary pressure would warrant. The costs at my local McD’s went up by 60-70% on most items and some upwards of 150-200% (ice cream cones are $3 when they used to be $1 less than 2 years ago).

lavish gacha pull are typically only in-store deals”

When the fries cost nearly as much as the burger I stopped buying.  

Big AF Burgers… big-ass fuck burgers!

I didn’t even realize this was opening weekend, and I say that as someone who is interested in seeing this since I enjoyed the first one.

Answer: J.J. Abrams is not a very good writer. In fact he’s a very bad one. That’s why there’s still the Resistance after they won the war and became the government.

I think the main issue is that Zaslav is a greedy moron who dislikes everything that ever made HBO successful.

Glossy primer is the worst paint trend, they made boring more shiny, huzzah. 

Part of me will always wonder if he wouldn’t have left the Daily Show if things would have gone this wrong this fast? I mean, there was nothing stopping these right wing lunatics getting loose and Stewart deciding to leave was a completely reasonable decision, but a LOT of people trusted him implicitly to tell them a

The problem with TPWJS is that it’s on Apple+ instead of in front of the eyeballs of everyone who needs to be watching. The choir has A+. The rest of the congregation needs to have the same tools available nightly to combat the moral bankruptcy and logical vacuum of the Radical Right.

Whew, I’d take Domino’s over Pizza Hut any day. If you haven’t had Domino’s since before the reformulation years ago, it’s so much better than it was in the “old days.” Pizza Hut around here was so bad that they closed almost all of them a few years ago. There are exactly two left within a 30-mile radius of me.