Burners Baby Burners: Discussion Inferno
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Surprised that there was no link to that fantastic Defunct land video:

Florence Pugh is the female Leonard DiCarprio.

Next you’ll tell me that they wanted her to wear makeup and hired some ‘wardrobe stylist’ to tell her how to dress!

Maybe not the hero they wanted... but the hero they deserved.

“BM Sauce” is making me think of something much less appetizing... :(

Sepinwall made what I thought was a very interesting point: "Sometimes, when spinoffs bring back characters from the parent series, it’s to remind you of why you liked them in the first place. Both of Walt’s appearances here have instead played up his most insufferable qualities, giving you the worst version of Walter

The fact that he kept tinkering with the water heater, making a mild nuisance into an unbearable racket is classic Walter White.

It’s kind of nice that, as it turns out, what is almost certainly our last glimpse of Walter White in this world isn’t the Nazi-killer super-scientist managing to effortlessly outwit his enemies one last time, but the pompous, bitter and frustrated pedant who can’t even let a harmless thought experiment about time

That’s our bad; we all thought you were asking if Gamespot was publicly traded.

Most cereals are a crazy unhealthy way to start the day. With that much sugar, you’re better off just eating nothing. 

I think that would probably attract too much regulatory attention, more than most Ponzi schemes like to attract, at least.

I gave up cereal 35 years ago when I realized cereal did not tide me over until lunch without being hungry. I am less hungry at 10 am with a yougurt or toast than a bowl of mostly puffed air.

Cereal is for children or adults with childish taste.

Soooooo much sugar.

I know there’s no point in pointing out how dumb this is (as evidenced by your dumb fuck ‘buh buh what about Chappaquiddick, a thing that happened 53 years ago by a guy that’s been dead for a decade), but do you think negligent homicide and leaving the scene of an accident where death occurred are misdemeanor traffic

One advantage advantage of cereal is that there are several varieties that are gluten free without having a premium price.

$18,500 for a 21 year old truck with 220,000 miles, an extremely poorly done lift-kit, an extremely poorly done rhino bar, a winch that doesn’t work, and an owner who cannot be bothered to even have the car detailed before listing it for sale?

Funny, I never saw an Excursion and thought, “you know what this needs? another foot of front overhang.

Perfect for the guy who likes to post pics of the price of his fill-up and blame others for his bad decision.

according to the seller, the truck could stand a good going over as it’s not all that clean after 20 years of use.

$18.5 is nice price for this 3 bedroom ranch with a front deck you can throw parties on.