Burners Baby Burners: Discussion Inferno

My dad never owned a cool car. He had shit like this Dodge Aspen wagon. The lesson?... buy a cool car at least once in your life. It doesn’t have to be expensive or rare... just something fun to drive.

I really hate that I like the jenner best, not as a mustang, but as a car design. (I hate it because of the name which I associate with the loathsome Kardashians).

Somehow this feels like a fitting thing for a KOTOR II port. Like it is truly being faithful to the original here.

Man, KOTOR was a fantastic game from start to finish.  KOTOR II feels like someone wished for a sequel on a monkey’s paw, and the curse continues to this day.

Just for giggles, I did a quick search on BaT.

Hartford, Florida, Craigslist


$19K should buy more than conversation starter. It’s nice, it’s in extraordinary condition and maybe 2 people are going to be 19K interested in it, the owner and whoever might buy it. Which might be nobody at that ambitious price. ND.

Joe Isuzu says Nice Price

“Biden quickly claimed...” and “The White House has doubled down...”

Had the election not been stolen, the True President (TM) would never have fallen off a bike.

Pretty sure you just outed yourself as someone that has never ridden a bike with clips or clipless pedals.

Still far less embarrassing than constantly using a golf cart for what should be a short walk…

Slow news day? Or you needed your daily dose of dispensing snark?

He didn’t try to throw his leg over because your right leg is your throw leg. You can see he slides smoothly out of the left clip, gets caught up on the right and over balances trying to correct. Have you ever even ridden a bike?

I’ve been riding and racing for 20 years and have seen experienced cyclists who ride over 10,000 miles a year fall over in that same manner. I think it is great that a man in his 70's is out there getting some exercise instead of sucking down Diet Cokes and lying about his weight while trying to end democracy.

He has a pretty good agent.

Actually, it’s because lactose-free milk tends to be ultra high temp pasteurized rather than regular pasteurized, so there are far less bacteria left. Most lactose-free milk uses lactase to break the lactose into it’s simpler sugars, which is why Lactaid milk tastes sweet. This increase in easy-to-digest sugars would

I’m glad they only hurt themselves and not anyone else. Everything about these events epitomizes the idea of a douchebag. It’s incredibly unsafe, braggy for the point of being braggy, wholly inconsiderate of the safety and well-being of anyone else, and generally gives the vibe of “I am the coolest fucking person on

Yeah, the difference in refuel time, for me, is huge.