Burners Baby Burners: Discussion Inferno

Actually, most of these stations/shops are mom and pop. They are individually owned franchises. Not that different from a McDonalds or Subway.

Sucks for the station, I think they make pennies on the gallon, their margin per gallon sold is likely the same, whether that’s $2.50 or $5 a gallon. They really make their money in the convenience part of the station.

I mean, I’d fill up my car then let the station manager know but filling up three cars, calling in your family, posting it on Insta and having your cousin bring in a tanker seems a big egregious too me.

Well done, Michael Bolton!

Yes, everyone should strive to feed their children “nutritionally adequate” meals. What are my issues? If I look at the meals I describe there are several. The pancakes are made with white flour and are therefore low in fiber and high in sugar. The nachos are also empty calories. We feed our children whole grains, and

Thanks, I hate it!

“Why are people still eating 1.5 lbs of grapefruit on average a year?”

Terrifying, thank you for your service!

And that is the weird thing... so in the 70's and surrounding times, it was the whole meal. But... going further back it was a side. You would have your toast, eggs, meats, etc. and it was treated more like a dessert or salad. When I am making elegant spreads for breakfasts on those days I don’t need to work the

Remember, the milk is required by the feds or they will give you no funding. It doesn’t matter if every student takes that milk and throws it directly in the trash. If you do not offer milk, funds are cut.

Once in a while they’ll have something decent like a hamburger, chicken sandwich, or ham croissant, but it’s maybe 2/10 days. Those used to be the type of daily offering we saw prior to the free for everyone program. 

My level of interacting with the schools will likely increase next school year. We have a tiny district with two elementary schools (soon to be combined), one middle, and one high school. Our superintendent is retiring at the end of this year. Prior to the start of the current school year I publicly spoke out against

No, it also includes milk and sides. Sides for any of the meals include either a veggie (carrot sticks, bell pepper slices), fruit (grapes, apple slices), and/or a cheese stick, yogurt, etc. I don’t want to sound ungrateful or unaware of my own privilege, but all kids deserve a better lunch than that.

The waivers are doomed.

I could see this form of socialism leading to long lines and waiting times at the gas station. Might be a good idea for Warnock supporters to assist those waiting in line by handing out water and remind those getting free gas cards what is at stake when they vote.

goddaughter of Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece” should probably just be replaced with “not related to MLK in any way” or simply nothing.

John Scalzi wrote a piece over on the Whatever blog on why shit like this happens, and why it still happens. Spoiler: Abuse of “good faith”, and lack of meaningful consequences.

That’s weird - because I have heard every day that people only vote D because of “free stuff” and giveaways.

If you can’t even be bothered to pull it out of the driveway for some proper pics (does it really move under its own power?), I can’t be bothered to pull out my checkbook. ND.

truth be told id rather have this replica over a big dollar authentic because id want to drive it. but YMMV