Burners Baby Burners: Discussion Inferno

I agree with that most of your sentiment, although I don’t know that a harsh penalty is that necessary with this particular one, a measured response is probably wiser than just “throw them in jail and let them learn from criminals how to become better criminals”.

See, I’m in a pickle, it’s entirely appropriate and yet I cannot star a Minions-related comment.

I love Jalopnik.

My hangup? My hangup is that bananas don’t taste very good after they’ve lost the last of their green, and their texture also isn’t especially enjoyable at that point. Bananas are a C-level fruit at best, they’re delicate, messy, high in calories from sugar, and mushy.

I’m not giving them the benefit of the doubt.

You lost your Porsche to a Civic with a mismatched front fender. You have failed in every way.

I did the exact same thing m’self.

Well damn, that’s the sound of the drain being circled on this site.

Oooh, doing this in Florida was an especially bad idea. That state’s legal system is exceptionally uptight about cannabis already, and now you’re dosing people without their knowledge? They’re gonna throw the book at this lady and then write a new book and throw it as well.

Thank you kindly! It was quite tasty, totally hit the spot. And it blew my mind that it was this easy, anyone can do this.

So I went and checked. My mistake, it’s not nearly a foot...

I was gifted an offset spatula last year. Unfortunately, the damn thing is nearly a foot long and at that length not super useful for my 8" round cakes. I should invest in a regular one, but I am stubborn, “I already have one, why do I need to spend money on another one?”

Here in Los Angeles they’ve been around since the ‘80s, and salsa was always included at the drive through, they’d just put in house salsa if you didn’t specify. Around 2010 when the economy last shit the bed, their prices went sky-high, I wonder if that’s why your stores all folded.

How do you screw up stuffed crust pizza? Papa John’s found a way. This is not a surprise at all, given my past experiences with Papa Johns, though I haven’t given the chain a look in a decade plus. I’m not surprised they just left whole pepperoni slices in there to make it miserably chewy.

Glad you’ve gotten enjoyment out of it, Dennis. More than likely, your friend also uses so much starter that they keep it super active, that’s a big boon to professionals over home bakers. I’d recommend you try a cold ferment for 10-12 hours in the fridge, once I gave up trying to do it all in a day, I found the rise

What did Portland do to drive out El Pollo Loco?

I never noticed how ugly the headlight pods on the Prowler were before this “upgraded” grille.

Thank you. I cannot believe how far down I had to scroll to find this. Should have been in the first 10 at most.

The whopper bun is definitely bigger, and they use way more lettuce than the other guys, which helps cheat the sense that it’s bigger. I honestly don’t remember the Jumbo Jack at all, it’s so forgettable, but the QPC has no veggies except onions (and the deluxe QPC with veggies somehow makes the burger worse than the
