Burners Baby Burners: Discussion Inferno

Taking those photos seems to be the first time those tires have ever touched the ground. This isn’t a bike, it’s a basket case in disguise. This thing’s a fantasy, a crude drawing of a souped-up Honda Monkey. A lifeless corpse you pretend is real, Weekend at Monkey’s.

“Do you want a car that from the outside looks like the same SUV you see everywhere in every major city now? Sure everyone’s got one of these, and most of them are in black, but this one’s even more black, so pay me triple its blue book value! And don’t worry, it’s also terrible on gas right when fuel prices are

Nice to see someone who is definitely a Jet all the way.

Skeffles, I’m usually right with you on these things, but the Yaris and the 4 cars ahead of it came to a stop before the Land Rover even completely entered the roundabout. That line of cars was stopped because it was a red light, nobody cut anyone off, the dark blue/green SUV to the left continued on its path in that

That’s indeed the one! Truly genuine and unique, and I am glad to hear that I’m not the only one who’s enjoyed a birthday there.

Ooh, edgy reply!

Not all of Hollywood is quite as gross as the central hub. The east side that’s poorer is less creepsters and junkies, and south you get an eclectic blend, I used to love hanging out at Norms on La Cienega.

Living in California, the promise of the coming onslaught of self-presumed blameless owners of cars that are “full self driving” right into oncoming traffic, pedestrians and property thanks to the lazy tech sector who is sure they are right to move fast and break stuff to make a buck, even if that means breaking

Great job, LaGuardia! You’ve successfully turned your look into a shopping mall from 15 years ago.

I love that film, it’s got such a great heart that’s lacking from even the later Jim Henson Muppet films. But it’s strange, that Studebaker already looks like it’s in pretty good physical condition. Sure the paint is mostly gone, but there’s a lot still there. I dunno what $175k would be going to, and they don’t make

Damn, I wasn’t expecting anyone to ask me. It’s a really boring story that involves there being two El Pollo Locos in Hollywood on opposites sides of “town” (Hollywood is a neighborhood, not its own city) and one closing in early afternoon on Xmas while the other stayed open later but was full of creepsters and had no

Ooh, that’s good work, computer sciences detective!

I thought that as well, I have experience since my HOA has guest passes. But ours are dated so it shows when they expire, where the one on her dash doesn’t have that. As well, the HOA should be contacting the unit whose vehicle that pass is attached to before towing.

Sometimes you have to zag instead of zig, my friend.

Clear plastic pens, especially the jewel-tone ones. A delicacy for the eyes, a trip to the surgeon for the intestinal tract.

“13,342 miles is so specific, maybe it’s something more round in metric...” - my very American brain.

Mercedes, you may wanna edit out your HOA management company’s name from that shot of your dash with the parking pass.

Mistaking a Magnum bar for a phone is a little odd, they’re not really a good visual match. Now if she was eating an ice cream sandwich...

Of champagne? 

Yeah, these drop chocolate pieces like a sick tree drops limbs.