Burners Baby Burners: Discussion Inferno

If only you could have explained that to my sister in the last YEAR to pay attention, she held out until last week when her job finally was about to give her the heave to get vaccinated. She’s smart but has always been reticent about new medicine, and being on the internet’s only made her worse.

Both today’s and yesterdays are from Seattle, both are modestly priced for today’s market, yet both have listings that have been up for over 10 days. This one’s flaws are a lot of miles and being a 22-year-old Saab, not a collectible age yet too old. I still gave this a NP in the theoretical, but I would be incredibly

Dang, 3 times as much of their mRNA, good info, I didn’t know it was that high. No wonder it knocks you out. I wonder if that’s why it has less fall-off than Pfizer. Food for thought.

Did you get Moderna or Pfizer? I got a full dose of Pfizer for my 3rd dose (I’m immunocompromised due to one of my meds) and it was like my second shot, no big deal at all (the first wiped me out for a day). However, with Moderna they are using a different ratio of stuff in their vaccine which apparently makes

Huh, as an American, I had only heard of chicken-washing as something in the black community, but apparently it’s also Aussies. I wonder how this got around the world as a thing, it’s the only meat people seem to bother washing.

But whatever will happen to Diet Rite?!

Last week they said LEGO sets were a better investment than gold this year, now wine.

This thing’s been listed for 10 days at a reasonable price, something is very, very wrong with it beyond its mere existence. The front bumper’s highly dubious condition suggests something accident-related but nothing else looks suggestive enough to kill a low price like this. I would guess the seller is actually a

But why? This doesn’t look good, it doesn’t look conceptually cohesive, it’s just smacking something new on something old to say you did. Nothing really flows to or from that grille at all. 

Aw shucks, that’s what I call a real cornhole!

What the fuck is a “Snoopy Christmas Cookie” and why is my state the one that goes nuts for it?

More of a family twig.

What spread should I add to my shopping list next?

Jeeeez! He looks like he’s missing a chromosome.

My cousin lives in Hesperia, I’ve visited her a few times out there, it is total meth country, but this project feels more like it was powered by cocaine. Maybe the$11k ask is this seller trying to recoup those sunk drug costs.

I don’t understand this new nomenclature at all. “No Bready Bowl” is an awful name. Is it a pun I’m missing?

^ 100% that, right down to the Beyond tacos not being very good - and I felt the same about Impossible’s taco meat at Qdoba as well, that one was even more cat foody. Yet I eat their burgers happily. Not every company can achieve everything, especially something as difficult as carne asada.

Corvette Summer is not a classic or beloved, it’s always been an adequate B-movie and a punchline to Mark Hamill’s pre-’80s career.

The 1997 TV remake stars Bruce Campbell and adds Horace the Hate-Bug to the canon, so I can’t be totally mad at it (even if it is painfully dull in parts and looks worse than most TV from the era).

The Last American Hero. What a let-down this was, based on the “true” tale of Junior Johnson’s career from moonshine runner to NASCAR driver, with a fantastic cast in Jeff Bridges, Valerie Perrine, Ned Beatty, Art Lund, Ed Lautner, Gary Busey, and Geradline Fitzgerald. Yet nothing feels important to this story, even