
I was scarred for life by jumpsuits, too! It happened when I was 9, though.

There will never be a post about notorious RBG where this picture is not appropriate.

My dream for the end of Scandal is all of DC burning and Mellie walking away from the ashes. #teammellieforeverandalways #mellieforprez

Biden would never do this !

I am so happy that you got out of this relationship. Thank you for sharing your story, I wish you nothing but happiness in your future.

Jia, I never did follow you. You're a hack playing at journalism. From making an ass out of yourself in the comments of your piece wherein you defend Lena Dunham's molestation of her sister to poorly done interviews with dolphin fuckers, the only thing you do well is embarrass yourself. You couldn't write a fucking

Oh, and would you look at that. I certainly hope you got a fair amount of followers for your hard-hitting piece.

It seems that you wanted to snag an interview on a provocative subject matter for Jezebel and pulled your punches with him to secure it and to get his permission to run it. That's exactly what it seems like to me.

I'm sorry, this man obviously has many, many troubles but he abused an animal. It's being played for laughs and shock value but that's what happened and I wish those who report on this story would stop dancing around that fact. This isn't too far from young kids who are physically or sexually abused in the home who

Yeah, noses are just hard to draw. I can't really do noses. So I decided to flaunt it.

It's not something I've ever thought about. Bit the second I saw your headline, I agreed, I didn't even need to read your supporting arguments. She would totally see it as an extension of her "independent attitude" and think all her "research" would make her more knowledgeable than those followers just doing what they

For god's sake girl, hemming is like the easiest alteration there is, and you're thinking of spending an entire day wearing heels that are 8% of your height.

Nah, he just has a cold, it's just so dramatic and horrendous because he's a man and oh god.

No, no, no. This is a British thing (I guess, since it seems you don't have it in America).

Oh, I've got another! One time, I heard Bill Clinton would be up in San Francisco signing his memoir and even though it was hours away and would be a whole thing, goddamnit, I wanted my book signed by Bill Clinton.

Long time fan, first time poster. . .

Well now I'm really disappointed that their "oven-baked sandwiches" aren't called SUBS.