
My first job was at a little town library in Collinsville, Connecticut; my boss was Katherine Hepburn’s sister, Margaret, aka, Peg Perry. One day, in 10th grade, I came outside after work and there was Mrs. Perry and another woman, with red hair piled up on her head, getting out of the car. Mrs. Perry very casually

The ADA exists for a reason.

unrelated: but now every time i rip a bad fart i’m gonna be like “sorry for that but the devil was in my butt.”

This seems more appropriate here than as a late addition in the other thread:

Yes please.

Tina Fey don’t care. Tina Fey don’t give a shit. That’s why she’s your best friend.

I kind of don’t like this.

If I accept Kenny Loggins as my personal savior, I might end up on the highway to the danger zone when I die.

Right, “dark turn” I think you mean “became bearable”, the only way it could have been better was if the documentary had hued more closely to its eponym.

My first house was about that size - I think it was 400 or 450 sf. I loved it: super cheap to heat/cool, quick to clean it. The only issue was the tiny bathroom, because my Saint Bernard and Newfoundland would crowd in when I showered and I’d have to strategically step over/around/on them to escape.

Maxi dresses, or as we called them through history, dresses.

Only if you mash it up with your feet like a winemaker, first.

So, Jolie, I take your silence on just pooping in the shower instead and then frantically spraying it with the high pressure setting on the shower head as an endorsement, yes?

I think your comment showed up in HyperCard.