
Truth. I actually fell in love with my boyfriend when I woke up with my period at his place and had bled all over the sheets. I didnt have tampons with me at the time. He calmly told me to go ahead and take a shower, asked me what brand I used, and put the sheets in the washer while he went to the drugstore.

This is the truth! Every time I meet a guy who won’t get near it, all I hear in my head is Louie C.K.

There is no cognitive dissonance in effect. It’s only seen as such by people trying to write pithy clickbait. The fact is that California has plenty of water for PEOPLE. Drinking, bathing, and even watering their lawns only takes up a relatively small percentage of the water currently being use while agriculture takes

Since Diana was at great pains to explain she was so broken because she had a second daughter she had left behind, it seems pretty likely the girl was real.

Still mulling over the episode ending with “Space Oddity.” Think of all the times over the years that people have assumed Don was an astronaut. of hos moved he was by the moon launching. Of his hallucination of Bert Cooper singing “The moon belongs to everyone...” What does it all mean? Don seems to be repeating old

keep yourself stocked w lady products. have some pamphlets on hand. get our bodies, ourselves. be completely honest and open with her about it - i would say let her know, casually, that if she should need it, you have tampons and sanitary napkins available, and you are available to talk to her if she needs it. and

Roger playing haunted house music was the absolute best, and couple that with Peggy fucking ROLLER SKATING around the empty husk of of SC&P...it was damn near magical. Roger playing the requiem, and Peggy skating on it’s bones.

As much as I loved Peggy’s swagger I fear things will not end well for her either. They wouldn’t forget to give her an office if they truly respected her, and it’s clear that Libby Blum and Karen Schmidt are out to steal Peggy’s accounts. I still hold out a tiny hope of Joan and Peggy opening a firm together. Given

One thing I thought was interesting was the guy giving the pitch on Miller was giving it exactly as Don would have. I could have easily seen Don giving that speech.

Thanks for the boner update!

I’m a straight male, and I’m pretty sure that this moment is the most physically attracted i’ve ever been to a woman.

Not as cool but equally as stuck in my brain: When I was 19 or 20, I must have been either at the tail end of period, or just about to start, because I was using pantyliners that day, but nothing else. While hanging out at the boyfriend’s apartment, changed my pantyliner once. Weeks later, boyfriend tells me that

You forgot to add a paragraph about saliva! I once had a guy kiss me (notice, I think that’s one difference... if it’s a good kisser, it’s someone you kissed, or made out WITH... a bad kisser is always someone who kissed you, like they inflicted it upon you).... it was the grossest thing ever. I don’t think he

Kissing is a dance. It works best when two people are doing similar things, at a similar pace, in a similar way. A bad kisser doesn’t pay attention to their partner and what they’re doing. This tends to hold true in sex as well, in my experience. Bad kissers are almost always also bad at sex.

HA! I love this story. I dressed as a 'sexy' bloody tampon for H'ween several years ago. I still have friends and one very impressed bartender who like to bring it up occasionally. Never shall I think of a better costume, I believe.

She’s the hero Baltimore deserves, and, fortunately, the one it needs right now.

I didn’t read all of the gawker comments but this is one of my favs

I’m really surprised that the “He snapped his own spine” story didn’t hold up.

Here you go....