There’s been really good studies of how media coverage of suicides influence whether other people commit suicide. I wonder if similar studies have been done on mass killings.
There’s been really good studies of how media coverage of suicides influence whether other people commit suicide. I wonder if similar studies have been done on mass killings.
Seriously. This guy thinks that the only thing keeping a bunch of mostly elderly black church ladies from packing heat is lack of a concealed-carry law?
Well, both of them would have to forsake about 75% of their policy advocacy and alienate 75% of their viewership if they admitted racism was real and wrong.
God, thank you for saying this:
Milk chocolate and orange? Really? Naw. You have to go with the dark chocolate chunks here.
Orange is the New Dark Chocolate
I’m a huge fan of “Sunny Border Blue.”
Strings is a good one.
I had no idea she’d written a memoir. Fascinating. Must read Kristin’s book!
Terry Gross, as an interesting counterpoint, interviews high-brow and low-brow people constantly. Her interview with Gene Simmons is pretty legendary. I’m not a Kardashian fan but people need to get over their fears of low-brow cooties.
That’s not how the government speech doctrine works. When the government speaks, it doesn’t have to offer both sides, because it’s government speech. If the government decides to, say, teach chemistry to high school students, it doesn’t also have to teach alchemy. It can say that it will teach chemistry and nothing…
[gives you all of the stars, none of the bars]
I think number one on this list should be “anything that the gift giver particularly wanted for him/herself, without regard for whether the wedding couple themselves would like it.”
The question in these cases is always how you would feel if the shoe was on the other foot. What if South Carolina decides to issue only “Choose Life” and “Daughters of the Confederacy” and similarly charged license plates, but refuses to issue “Pro-Family, Pro-Choice,” and similar license plates? Is everybody going…
No magic: google images - “chris pratt zookeeper” yielded these.
How is this different from saying, “oh all the waiter did was carry my food from the kitchen and put it in front of me?” I’m pretty sure the raw materials and labor that go into a burger or a pizza or a leg of lamb are marked up too.
Would like to point out that there was an 11- or 12-year-old girl in the front row watching this happen.