
I think she’s been called a diva or high maintenance before, she did a fantastic job poking fun at the cliche A-lister craziness on 30 Rock. Def in the top 5 cameos in that entire show.

Completing a mile in 9 minutes means moving at 6.66 mph, which is much faster than walking pace.

Oh god, why’d you have to point out to everybody that I’m actually a copy of Adbusters with eyeliner scrawled across it, i’m so embarrassed

Like she’d reveal information about her compatriots

This indeed made it a good Friday. It is finished.

You’re not the only one.

Promise me that one of these days you will ask your father in law how long it’s actually been since his babies were born.

This is an entirely true story.

So one time, my dad was in a dog park in DC, and his dog Pete starts humping another dog. The owner of the other dog came over and kicked Pete to get him off of the other dog. My dad, understandably, was like, “WTF dickhead, don’t kick my dog,” and the owner of the other dog responded

The only context where that sentence is OK is in a discussion about the fact that deep dish is not, in fact, pizza and that those who eat deep dish are denying themselves (most likely) the time and hunger (which does assume there is a limited time/hunger available for pizza-type-food enjoyment) to actually enjoy REAL

Fat jokes: the last vestige of people who truly have nothing intelligent to say.

My god those SHOES

Never knew until just now that Comet and Air Bud were the same dog. Dog had the most successful career of anyone on the show.

I would definitely watch a show where DJ and Kimmy are married to each other and have three adorable boys.

[looks around to make sure nobody’s listening]

I drape a damp paper towel over it and microwave for maybe 20 seconds to help with cut-ability!

There's no good answer to the "What's the best James Bond movie?" question, since the best James Bond movie will always be the first one you saw when you were a kid.

"I bet he looks like a penis"

"if it doesn't add up to minimum wage, the restaurant has to make up the difference,"