Fortunately the fire wasn't practicing proper ujjayi breathing, severely limiting its oxygen supply.
No, Clarkson is the one who fucked everybody. Who is he to lay his hands on anyone for any reason? Why do people have to put up with that shit?
I didn't really get the Kentucky result until I realized that it's probably just a bunch of pro-lifers advancing their immigrant friendly "Life Begins at Concepcion" agenda.
"You'll have to be more specific." — Kansas
Is there any way I can feel guilty about this, as a white person?
So cabs are not for women? Fuck off.
stopping a small child from implanting
I don't know from the horrors of space oil, but I do know there's no reason to waste a single drop of the precious contents of your honey bear, which can be extracted merely by immersing the bear in some scalding hot water, or, if you like, popping it into the microwave for 20 seconds or so, which heat greatly reduces…
Not from Denmark.
I've never seen the show, but based on what I know about it, I would think that a first question for the producer would be: "How do you feel about exploiting these teen moms—children who are already among the most vulnerable in our society?"
Wait, the feminist group is called FUC? Is this real life? Is real life even a thing anymore?
7 months post double lung transplant CFer here... My life has been literally saved by the donor and doctors involved in my surgery. No idea what transplant options are like in her country, but one would hope she has access to one and has not ruled out trying all medically available alternatives if she changes her…
Nope. I could have worded that better.
I have CF, and reside on the severe end of the spectrum. gotta feel for her.
During Black Enterprise's Women of Power Summit in Fort Lauderdale recently, Gloria Steinem acknowledged women of…
"Will haunt in afterlife"
1 star means he got murdered there. "Would not go back."