Burner McFakename

This was ridiculously and unnecessarily long.  Had to skip 10-12 paragraphs to get to anything interesting.  

“December 1941"

My mom grew up in a small farm in the middle-of-nowhere northwestern Minnesota. Her dad died before I was born, but I regularly visited her mom (my grandmother) still living at the farm, until she passed when I was a teenager. My grandmother was the prototypical Great Depression-forged Midwest farm wife of Norwegian

I’ll preface this by saying I’m a skeptic-as much as I’d like supernatural things to exist, I find it hard to believe. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for what I encountered, but that doesn’t stop it from being the weirdest fucking thing I’ve ever experienced.

The Ghost Children

Hot take, brah.

Chyna always seemed like someone who got chewed up by the system and then was left to deal with the aftermath on her own. If her time in the business had come a little earlier or a bit later, she probably would have gone down as one of the legends of pro wrestling, but she hit at probably the worst possible moment,

One time my dog snatched a whole rotisserie chicken off a tall counter and we chased her round and round the house for probably 15 minutes trying to get it back.

The Wolf at the Door, wow. That’s just exactly it.

This is beautiful. I felt my heart drop as I read it. I felt envy for the life that her sister lived, at 30 years old. My sister took her life at the same age and her story was nothing like this, hers was a very dark story . I feel disgusted with myself for feeling envy but I do. I want my sister to have another

Thank you so much! Clarity is a word I am appreciating very much lately.

That’s a very lovely way of articulating that. If only we all had such clarity.

Depression; paranoia; low self-esteem; insecurity; resentment; anger; fear; jealousy; envy; distrust; guilt; shame; isolation.

The entire obituary is worth reading in full:

Not sure I buy that. If people really thought Rock was introducing a minority outreach chair they would have applauded for whoever that turned out to be. Instead it was deafening silence. I think because they knew exactly who she was.

It’s safe to say that the audience...

This made me laugh entirely too much. Those poor people.

So I went on one of the Harry Potter rides shortly after it first opened a couple of years ago. It got stuck halfway through, and we wound up with our asses stuck in the air for 10 minutes while they turned on the lights (which kind of ruined the whole effect) and told us to please be patient.

Gotta add this one. I love Jenny Beaven not giving a flying fuck about Oscars formal wear. Totally badass.

I heard Daisy Ridley’s dress is made from George Lucas’s tears.