Burner man

This was super eye-opening. Offensive linemen can talk?

Her lengthy rant was all opinions. There were no facts offered.

The laziest thing SHE has ever done.

Women can rape and pillage like the best of them!

At ESPN Deportes his job is to provide his journalistic services in Spanish. At ESPN, it’s to do it in English. He did that poorly last night.

The Russians are correct. There is no true biological marker for ADHD. It’s rise has more to do with curricular frameworks becoming more demanding in certain regards and a profoundly moronic over reliance on testing in the USA. Oh, and because pharmaceutical companies realize what a cash cow it is to needlessly over

(This is, of course, just what the Nazis were notorious for: testing the urine of Jews and other persecuted groups for banned substances. The Nazis wanted your slave labor in their munitions factories, but they wanted you to reach your quota through clean work.)

We all know she’s patting herself on the back.

No, it’s really not. It may be distasteful to you, but women is a noun and female is an adjective; these are distinct parts of speech and serve different purposes. You wouldn’t say men nurses and women firefighters. Or maybe you would, but you would be wrong.

Wow you people really don’t like him, do you?

You guys really need to drop this. It’s making you look bad. The original story was about an unidentified male beloved comic who likes to masterbate in front of women and you tried to guess who it was.

The woman who first told the story as a blind item has said it was not Louis CK. Another comic, Doug Stanhope, came forward and said it was him, not Louis CK. So why is he still being tarred with this brush? I’m sure he’s not without faults, but it’s been pretty much verified that this isn’t one of them.

You should be ashamed of yourself for writing garbage like this Aimée.

“That keeps me normal. That keeps me feeling like, Yeah, I’m not too Hollywood.”

Yes murder is a statistically isolated incident.

They always are. ;) Their hatred just makes me stronger, don’t worry.

No it is white people classism. White bread and Mayo are not only white, but they are cheap crappy food choices.

I like white bread, mayo, fried chicken and watermelon! I don’t know if I’m supposed to be outraged or feel like I’m truly a man of all people. Stereotypes are more confusing every day!

I grew up eating white bread and mayo, it’s what poor white people ate when we were broke. Or just hankering for some mayo.