Burner man

Every time I see this comment I think the same thing. These dolls aren’t for men who want to treat women like objects. These dolls are for men who are so lonely they are willing to treat an object like a woman. Don’t worry you are safe.

i get a real kick out of anyone with the balls to do that sort of thing in game, though i am not down with pat mcafee’s profanity-laced take on it, i thought it really crossed the line.

Right. I mean I realize that universities are not held to the same standard as the courts, nor should they be. But that said I do think “innocent until proven guilty” is an admirable basis for either, and I think its a tough tightrope to walk at times. Only a total sociopath would initiate something like this if they

I dunno, as someone who works on a college campus this shit is tough. You want to believe people, but how do you do it in a way that also takes into account the fact that SOME people (not this guy I’m thinking) are actually innocent and our legal system is meant to treat them that way until proven otherwise. I dunno,

So any valid argument is mansplaining now?

It’s a feedback loop. They can call someone for mansplaining and if the man does ANYTHING other than politely accept the accusation, they are then further guilty of mansplaining. It’s a tactic to control the interaction. The example above is simply patronizing condescension and happens all the time to men/women by men

At least you were offered a sensical explanation of sorts. I have literally been told a few times that it’s literally any time a man explains something to a woman. And my incredulity at that explanation has usually made the whole situation worse. Ugh.

That’s not the definition of mansplaining as explained to me by so many women I’ve discussed it with. What you define in the first paragraph is just run-of-the-mill condescending behavior. Frankly, I’ve seen as much of that from women in the workplace as from men. I was under the impression that “mansplaining” is when

No, I’m saying it’s hard to draw the line for video games. The problem is we have idiots like you extrapolating rulings over movies onto video games. It’s very easy to say N units of time of a movie is fair use, but a lot harder to reason about with a video game. Fair use has not been clearly defined so you can fuck

Not sure EULA would help here, as it probably didn’t cover a case of someone cursing on a stream. Also note that on their website they give explicit permission to stream and monetize:

No, the better and non abusive avenue is to complain with services that enable him (twitch/youtube/sponsors) which I think will drop like flies soon. Abusing an already fucked up copyright system that could set a precedent that would screw over thousands of streamers and content creators is pitiful.

Is it abuse if the company that made the game wants to stop him from making money out of their content?

Pewdiepie’s stream is not their property, so it is abuse of the DMCA.

Pewdiepie is a racist but abusers of the DMCA should fuck off.

“No, I reject the idea that Trump ran a better campaign or that his message resonated with more people or the right kind of people.”

That “most qualified person ever to run for President” thing is really ridiculous spin. Clinton is pretty qualified, sure - Secretary of State, Senator, various policy initiatives in her husband’s White House, work as a lawyer and on Wal-Mart’s board of directors.

But there have been plenty of Presidents and

She didn’t “get it.” People were suffering in the midwest... she ignored them, because she thought she had the election all sewn up and she didn’t need them. They responded to her arrogance by handing her a devastating loss. Even Michigan, a reliable Democratic stronghold, went with Trump instead.

Aren’t all you clowns (or your sister clown websites) just recently praising how the Nazis in Charlottesville were getting doxed and losing their jobs?

Let me guess, powr people have no free will and those mean fast food joints force burgers & pizza down their throats?

“Black and brown people don’t make choices, and have no free-will. I consider this empathy.”