Burner man

“Welp, so much for White privilege.”

Take a look at the amounts paid to the top female models vs. their male counterparts.

No he’s not. You must not understand what vocal fry is. Yes men do it to. Glass does not.

I get that you were making a height joke but Eniko cheated with him while he was with his first wife. Her excuse was that she was not the only side piece. Bossip had a hilarious article on it with screenshots from her Instagram comments.

Isn’t “getting a championship” the only legitimate reason you need?

Sounds more like you’re the one with the bias, nobody mentioned Islam or immigrants. As a region, South Asia has a higher incidence count than any other, though per capita the UK has topped them as a country but that’s more recent. Acid attacks have been much more common in South Asia for decades which is why it was

So your question is really about something called “effective aggressiveness”. This is the secret ingredient to judges fixing fights. Effective aggressiveness is a significant factor in scoring fights and is exactly what it sounds like it is. In practice it’s the guy moving forward. If a boxer is the fighter

I wouldn’t really call arguing your position as, “Melting down”. The official obviously wasn’t understanding a very basic concept, “They are not with me, and they are not my coach”.

A meltdown implies he was no longer rational, and devoid of sense. If anything, he was relatively calm and adamant in defending his

Most of this doesn’t sound all that liberal...

Haven’t you seen her new book? It’s probably his fault she lost the election.

Meanwhile London Underground commuters have had a particularly bad morning today.

Based upon the lead photo, lightweight champ seems like a stretch.

But no somehow the people that are insulting him as he’s leaving are the ‘good guys’.....

Its pretty bizarre really , like this guy didn’t mud sling or didn’t hurt anybody. He just respectfully stated that this wasn’t a place for him anymore and left. No harm no foul in my book.

If you display courage of conviction, put your money where your mouth is and actually give up your job for your beliefs, that somehow makes you a weenie.

Yes. The only reason he didn’t do time (or go to trial) is because the government went so far overbroad trying to screw him that it tainted his right to even get that far.

Idk, I read the guy’s letter and he doesn’t really seem like the weenie I was expecting at all. I tend to respect people who stand up for what they believe in, not sure about you.

The irony is that Chelsea has been named a “fellow.”

“I cannot be part of an organization – The Kennedy School – that honors a convicted felon and leaker of classified information, Ms. Chelsea Manning, by inviting her to be a Visiting Fellow at the Kennedy’s School’s Institute of Politics . . .”