Burner man

with an unrivaled combination of speed and power and creativity and scoring prowess

So what you’re saying is, that women should get equal pay in sports merely based on the hope that one day, maybe women sports will catch up to men sports in ratings and revenues? That’s cool, I should ask my boss for a significant raise, based on my hope, that someday I might have the skills and experience of a much

Then based on Wimbledon, they should get less:

As is always the casein professional sports, tv ratings and sponsorships are the key to financial success and high salaries. Compare the earnings of minor league baseball players to those of the MLB for example. Both are really good at playing baseball, MLB players paid millions, the others get paid cents on the

Wow, this woman likes to get PAID!

By a score of 118-110, the judge gave Canelo 10 rounds, only 2 rounds for GGG. That’s a travesty.

So THAT is the big news coming out of London, not the terror attack just a few hours ago? Hm, priorities, priorities.

Also, as Michael Bennett recently discovered, sometimes institutional racism still has a way of overriding “fame privileges” for black celebrities.

Judging from the pic, it seems that Cormier’s adviser works for Dunkin’ Donuts rather than being a doctor.

Lack of empathy you say? For the murder victim and his family you say? Oh, that’s not what you meant? You want empathy for the suspected murderer? Yeah, I can see that. I’m sure the family of the victim will take poor Isiah’s dificult childhood into account.

Why is this post focusing almost compeletly on the athletic abilities of a guy accused of murder? You only mention the crime in the first two sentences, barely mentioning the victim’s name. Shouldn’t you have focused more on the crime itself and the victim, instead of singing the praises of a suspected murderer by

Jemel Hill should not be fired for calling Trump a white supremacist, she should have been fired a long time ago for being really bad at her job. Watching her and Smith on SportsCenter is almost unbearable.

The only logical explanation: I ‘defended’ Boston by merely pointing out that the city is much more ethnically diverse than your race baiting comment implied. You qualified my reply as racism (“Racism. It’s as white as defending Boston.”). Yeah, those census statistics clearly have a racist bias. *smh*

It’s one thing to be called a shitty player by a hack local columnist

But I’ve seen rich and famous black celebrities pointing their fingers at everyday white folks and chiding them for their white privilege? It’s almost as if fame and money are more important than race, when it comes to enjoying privileges....

I’m defending Boston and thereby racism by pointing out that Boston is in fact more ethnically diverse than say Washington D.C.? Um....sure thing!

No, it isn’t.

When you get caught with 2 pounds of weed, a substance that shouldn’t be illegal but still is to this day and you somehow manage to avoid jail time, due to what kind of privilege is that?

Some day maybe.

Best female athlete (maybe).