Burner man

What do you mean by ‘although she is a woman’? Do you believe that being a woman on trial is a negative? Quite the opposite:

Because it was buried with weapons, [people assumed] it must be a man. I think that’s a mistake the archeologists make quite often. When we do that, we’re just reproducing the past.”

This is what happened to a cartoonist who dared to draw a picture of he prophet Muhammad:

That was a very sof t statement by ESPN, considering her lenghty rant against a sitting president (factually correct though). This is not something any employer catering to a very broad and diverse base wants to hear from a pretty prominent employee. She still has a job and as of now, she hasn’t been supended. If she

What about doing the laundry and ironing?

You just described jezebel (formerly of Gawker media fame) to a T.

When a male (man) uses male and female as a noun or an adjective (you know there is a difference between the two, don’t you) to describe men and women, is he also dehumanizing and degrading men, or is there some provision for men in your special kind of logic?

You let your interests being guided by listening to unsubstantiated rumors by unknown sources? Interesting Have you heard the one about Hillary Clinton, child sex trafficking and a pizza parlor? Many people talked about it, so it must be true, amirite? *smh*

Could you please link to the women who specifically accused Louis C.K. of masturbating in front of them and congratulations for being able to read Doug Stanhope’s mind? Oh, and if you can’t name those many women, wouldn’t it be pretty difficult for him to take legal steps against those unidentified women? That would

“That keeps me normal. That keeps me feeling like, Yeah, I’m not too Hollywood.”

their intent to co-sponsor the legislation, which Sanders will officially unveil on Wednesday.

That’s probably what Barack Obama thought, so that’s why he appointed only 12 women out of 46 US attorneys or just over 25%. Still much better than Trump but not exactly what you would have expected from such a woke feminist, is it?

Are you saying these are not isolated incidents? That there is a conspiracy of ex-husbands to kill their ex spouses? That there is an active terrorist organisation plotting these killings? Hm, I guess not.

Sources say Jenkins will receive directing and writing fees in the high seven figures (think somewhere in the $7 to $9 million range) on Wonder Woman 2but, more significantly, will have a considerable backend.

Who is ‘us’? Is that the royal ‘we’ or simply the different voices in your head?

What is the big deal between 62 HR and 73 HR anyway? Why is it seen as some kind of watershed between clean and tainted baseball anyway? 11 More HR in a season amounts to one additional HR every 15th game. Is thinking about achieving that goal for a clean player so unreasonable? To put that into perspective - before

Black people don’t eat white bread and mayonnaise? Is that the new ‘fried chicken and water melon’ for white people food racism?

Nothing says *I’m a feminist and I don’t hate men, I just want women to be equal to men* quite like:

They have been that good for that long. Their greatness has effectively blotted out the sun for an entire generation of would-be major title havers.

I was as much talking about myself as every white sjw is talking about the token oppressed black person on these comment boards.