Burner man

So, a dirt poor white guy who is one minimum salary paycheck away from getting evicted, who has no health insurance, is subjected to right to work laws, can’t afford proper legal representation should he need one and can’t afford to send his kids to college is privileged, but the rich black ex NFL player is not? Yeah

Kaepernick has earned close to $40 m in just 6 years as a player, but I am the privileged one? The real median personal income in the US is at about $30k. 70% of the population earn less than $50k a year. Money is privilege, without it you’re nothing. Kaepernick is privileged, I am not.  

It’s not a pejorative, just a descriptor.

Make no mistake that the Democrats are dumb enough to literally put up Hillary Clinton again. Between the Electoral College and every day sexism, it’s easy to argue that she got a raw deal in 2016.

No, it’s obvious that Bolling knew about his son’s death by the time of Ali’s tweet, it’s just that the tweet was in bad taste, considering the bad blood and the pending lawsuit between them. It looks like kicking someone when he’s already down. It’s also obvious that Ali doesn’t care a bit about Bolling or his

Cowher doesn’t work for the NFL. He is a studio analyst for CBS. The NFL doesn’t need to officially address the problem, because outside your little echo chambers of the world, most people don’t see it as a problem. A mediocre and thus expendable player talked himself out of a job. End of story.

How can you call out this co-worker for being a MANsplainer, if said co-worker is *gasp* a woman? That’s the whole point - creating a gendered term for a non-gender specific problem.

You can work on the next-biggest problem after you’ve sorted out the biggest one.

They won’t because they want to avoid a social media firestorm, caused by sjw like you, who believe that they and they alone reserve the right to decide what is or isn’t a valid reason for someone to lose their job over the right to express their opinion. You guys were all giddy with excitement after that google tech

Some non violent protesters in Charlottesville got doxxed and lost their jobs because, while they had the right to protest, their employers also had the right to disagree with their political views and fire them. Kaepernick has the right to protest and express his love for Fidel Castro or depict cops as pigs by

What a fucking dick move by this Yashar Ali person for breaking the news of Bolling’s son, considering the current lawsuit. For once, a journalist should have not tried to be first at breaking news.

Cowher will be remembered for winning a SB with the Steelers and winning more than 60% of your games as a coach. Kaepernick will be remembered for being a Fidel Castro fanboy and for wearing socks, depicting cops as pigs. Oh and also for one of the steepest declines any QB ever experienced in the history of the NFL.

take the world’s greatest athletes (who have never played checkers) and let them play against any checkers player and they will lose. Duh!

He had a career in the NFL, Kaep rightfully will have none.

But to say that Cowher is a quitter for retirig as an NFL coach with a SB ring is a ‘good take’? 21 years in the NFL is ‘quitting’?

Golf is not a sport. It’s a leisure activity.

He has a SB ring, something Kaep will never have. If Cowher had stayed as an NFL coach, you would accuse him of staying on too long and wearing out his welcome. 

Lol, immediate canonization for both?

I bet you call every non-white person who doesn’t speak AAVE a ‘sellout’.

How do you explain all the fat white middle class people in the US?