
Right—before they created Homeland Security Investigations, the FBI handled most of the duties that are now assigned to them. They have a pretty broad mandate and investigate basically all the same stuff that the FBI does, but with something of a specific focus on sex crimes and immigration violations. So there’s this

It didn’t seem transphobic to me. I took it as “We don’t care what designation you received at birth, use the bathroom that corresponds to the gender you identify as.”

This is stupid, no doubt.

In my Mass Media Law class in college, I was taught that “allegedly” is a weak protection, and it’s safer to carefully source allegations and not use that word.

Holy shit, this is not a complex topic, and yet 90% of the commenters are totally thrown. Diana is NOT advocating for the right to libel people at will. She is arguing that the words “alleged” and “accused” are bad ways to carefully source allegations.

I’ve heard people trying to defend McNair’s remarks as “something that people say all the time.” The thing is, I’ve never heard “inmates running the prison.” It’s always been “inmates running the asylum,” as in bat-shit psychotic patients attempting to run their psychiatric hospital. That being the case, his use of

What’s an example of something he could have done to resist other than speaking out?

Probably because not the entirety of the police force is bad? I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum. I’ve had cops call me a faggot, harass and humiliate me in public. I’ve also had a police officer save my life from my homophobic father trying to beat me to death for being gay. Police are people. They can be

That’s fine, we can cut the corporate tax rate, and then we can also remove all the loop holes and deductions that allow many corps to pay much less than 35% or even 0% effective tax rates.

I always think it’s a mark of a truly great teacher to be able to say to kids ‘Wow, I genuinely didn’t know that!’, ‘I don’t know but I’m definitly going to find out!’ or ‘Fantastic research - you really outdid yourself!’ and honestly, genuinely mean it.

Hopefully more, but he’s not in the public eye any more except for his arrests. I seriously thought I was getting a ‘recommended’ old story rather than a new one cause this feels like an exact repeat of last time.

No use a golden frying pan

When baby items are gate checked, they go into the hold last, so that they can be quickly retrieved as parents deplane. There would be no “digging around in checked luggage” for it, it’s literally the last thing they put in. AA refusing to go get it was just a dick move, especially when she’s traveling solo with a

You know it’s possible to say things and not remember saying them because you grew up your entire life being able to say those things without repercussions or thinking about how your words/actions impact others. This is commonly known as privilege.

See this has always baffled me about the US system. I’ve done jury duty in the UK, and we are literally picked at random. It’s 12 names out of a hat, essentially, and you’ll get replaced if you, a) know any of the people involved, or b) have been a victim of a similar crime/other life event likely to seriously

Nobody is worse than Trump. This is classic overthinking. Take Pence’s worst features. Trump is at best only 85% as bad. But Trump is also a reckless idiot who could very well run into nuclear war.

Pine Ridge is one of the most depressed, broken and tragic examples of the reservation system. I’ll bet those kids are really proud of themselves for bullying this otherwise thriving community.