
AFAIK, Puerto Rico is allowed to receive and ship anything to any other part of the world on any ship - except for US goods, which are to be on Jones Act ships.

Let this be the first and only joke of its kind.

A racist, sexist, ignoramus with early-onset dementia gets elected President of the United States.

I wouldn’t.

To be honest the two year disparity isn’t that surprising. Court cases can take forever depending on how backed up the system in your area is. And it was a civil ,not a criminal case, so there might be legal reasons as to why they didn’t revoke his teaching license earlier

Cheney was always the epitome of selfish, calculated evil to me. Mitchypoo is really creeping close though.

To try to inject race into this discussion seems a bit forced. You make it seem as if this lady was trading on her privilege

I still don’t understand why we can’t link tax rates for businesses to pay for employees. “You pay your employees well, your tax rate goes down” is how it would be rigged up. As a benefit, now the employees are making $$$, so THEY make enough to pay taxes.

Even with that hard break looming, Kelly still managed to find time to explain the hard break twice and put forth an opposing opinion.

“Highlighting the political nature of this case, the final article of impeachment accused the justice of continually promoting his political agenda on the bench, thereby “tending to prostitute the high judicial character with which he was invested, to the low purpose of an electioneering partizan.”

Doesn’t apply to the Supreme Court. Which is why Thomas was able to “forget” to disclose his wifes income from groups appearing in front of him.

Actually I disagree, and I don’t see how this isn’t a simple argument. They’re saying sex does not equal sexual orientation in these cases. That’s simple to disprove. If you fire me for being gay, you are firing me because of my sex relative to the sex of my partner. You would not fire me if I was a woman having sex

and start pulling for the democrat candidate HARD! It’s Alabama. It’ll take a monumental effort, but it isn’t impossible.

That and Election Day being a holiday, that’d be pretty swell.

Interestingly, PlayerUnknown did actually create the first major battle royale mod for Arma 2, which popularised the genre. He was also hired as a consultant for H1Z1 before working on PUBG, so he really does have his finger in all the pies.

Regardless, he’s not the person making these statements anyway.

Hello! Female Marine officer here. I can assure you that this lieutenant is NOT the first female Marine officer to join our corps. Please correct your title.

Yeah, every time I hear her complain now, all I can think is that she brought this on herself.

I’m sure many do. And they can do it with impunity until someone proves a pattern of “already being booked” only when asked by a protected class.

I read that as “to get her”.

He’ s overloading Congress to slow down the Russia investigation.