
Skull Poop L!

Hopefully nobody was in the pool at the time...

Terrence Howard... isn’t he also for whatever reason resistant to the notion that 1*1 = 1?

Claire is fantastic! It’s all Brad’s fault...

... and then we find out it’s just two clones of Brak in an overcoat...

“effective leadership skills” != “good leader”

Continuum wasn’t actually SciFi, but licensed by them from a Canadian channel... why all those Canadian genre actors kept showing up, and forming the bulk of the cast.

... how is introducing kids to the concept of buying your way onto the ticket a great way to introduce them to local government???

It’s always fantastic to see a “thin blue line” stickered car go 30mph over the speed limit weaving in and out of lanes, crossing double yellows...

please... MoHawkGuy

... and Jefferson, a (black Democrat) Congressperson, 13 years...

For comparison, when Ellis was confronted with a similar situation, but with the defendant being a black Democrat, he opted instead for the harsher sentencing guidelines, with an initial sentence of 13 years.

+1 Cleopatra 2525

... and that’s why it got sequels while it was still in its prime (ish), as opposed to revisiting and reimagining with rose colored glasses...

It is... should’ve referenced Iron Eagle instead.

I love how, in the pictures of the cat near its owner enmasqued, it has a look of sheer “No” across its face.  And the body posture of “Nope”.

Filing contempt of congress charges is at least on the table now, as subpoenas weren’t before, and are again now.

Not the Catholic Church, but...