
Why not do something entirely different. Each bill has a view of a national park on the front and the back. If counterfeiting becomes a problem or a periodical change is coming up, change then to a different view of that park. Plenty of options, and we don’t have to give a fuck who’s on the bill or how controversial

but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.

Update from Australia:

UK Update:

Here’s the actual quote. You can read what you want into it...

This asshole holds his gun like he’s in a 90s gangsta film. I’m glad he was convicted.

Cool. I wonder though, what the conversation was with the studio, his agent, the director, casting, and producers, ya know?

Absolutely. You’re right. Doxxing is dangerous. I mean it literally when I say that this is not doxxing. This is a more effective version of milk cartons and wanted posters. This isn’t trying to root out the identity of someone who anonymously said some shit you didn’t like online. These pictures aren’t being posted

Can I be ok with it when it’s right and hate it when it fucks up an innocent dude’s life? Like that professor from Arkansas?

There may be a legal challenge to the Constitutionality of the pardon.

Even more ridiculous, he pardoned him before Arpaio has even been sentenced. This is Kelly rewarding an over-eager Trump for making it through the week without creating fresh controversy.

Back in the day when horrible things happened and leaders rushed to comfort our grief? When the President had a clear plan to prevent the next tragedy? When the President interrupted your regularly scheduled programming to bring you the sad news that a Navy ship collision had left 7 of our own dead? When the President

You forgot “bail out banks and financial institutions with government money but leave the individual shmoes who invested to twist in the wind”

A race war is exactly what they want and why this is not common knowledge is something I don’t understand.

I always found President Obama to be an engaging and authoritative speaker—but I was also well out of graduate school and into my teaching career at the time of his inauguration, so my educational background and inclinations probably had a great deal to do with how I received his speeches.

That said, you’re right in

Predict that this biting satire will whoosh over the heads of a few readers.

Read a book.

Eh, do you really think she should just slink off into the night?

I think what may be throwing people off is that this ad doesn't fit the concept of racism that they're used to. It doesn't make an open mockery of any behavior, and it doesn't pass any specific judgement on any specific race. It's not Jim Crow or KKK racism, and it's not internment camp racism. But there are two