
I think that it’s not that he doesn’t understand the definition of perjury, but that his understanding of the definition of “Truth” is that it’s whatever opinion the guy in charge (because of course a guy) decides, based on whoever he trusts more at the time.

She’s taking the same view as her stance on chemtrails. Which is to say, give proponents a broad audience, but don’t endorse them directly. Still a bunch of bunk, giving unsupported (in the case of chemtrail theorists) or unsupportable and reprehensible (in Cernovich’s case) viewpoints undue weight of consideration,

Vice president, but still...

General consensus says unconstitutional, against the FOIA.

Have you heard some of the callers into the call-in shows? There are those that listen that are fighting hard not to leave their right-wing extremist views while listening to NPR. So hopefully a few of those have learned a little more about the hate that guy is selling, as well, and get more push towards going

Not out on Android yet...

Seriously... what recourse do the voters have in Kansas to force a recusal?

She was a stunt double for awhile, and can (at least sometimes) keep up on the salmon ladder, and has a good handle on several martial arts, so... 

All Hail... the Jolly Fat Man.

All those choices for Jason Scott Lee, and ... Jungle Book?

I mean... it’s possible, unlikely though it may be from whatever verified details have come out, that some of it may have been fabricated...

Would this also cover possibly breaking the Presidential Records Act, what with the editing, deleting, and so forth?

Because each one is “free”?

It depends on who the audience is. If the goal is to get his supporters to listen, then him acting like a treasonous lapdog is a much better main point than “some brown babies that are being better treated here than where they come from”.  Mentioning the family separations as a second point gets those that start to

I would argue that he’s a secondary infection, not the primary vector... but it would be good to reinvigorate some protections against it anyway, while we try to figure out how to cure the primary vectors.

ES&S took over Diebold’s portion of this market, right?

Is word salad infectious?