
Hopefully this won’t be used in the defense of a shooting of a child holding a stuffed bunny...

Daycare is more likely than elementary school, I would think...

I mean... that’s the kind of thing that it seems like _he_ would do in their place, so...

Is that what he’s wearing, one of those tactical polo shirts?  I still don’t quite understand what would make a polo tactical...

Nah, Lycos.

NPR’s commentator said largely the same thing, that so long as the nominee uses the “well, I wouldn’t want to prejudge something that might come before me” dogwhistle, then she’ll give them a pass.

Unfortunately the current path for recourse seems to be wait to get a majority on the US-SC, then get a claim to go all the way up, to be able to vacate it on those grounds more permanently.  The faster option is take control of Congress, and get an updated law passed... but that seems to have a lower chance of

“If I have to get a nurse to help me lift the folds away from your knees to examine why you’ve got knee problems... maybe that’s a good indicator of why you’ve got knee problems.”

The remaining part is congress passing laws, and the states ratifying amendments... yeah, it’ll take time, and it’s going to suck for people in the intermediate term, but there are some avenues for solutions to specific issues that are faster than waiting for some specific old (mostly) white guys to retire/age out.

Hopefully the minimum endorsement required filter doesn’t end up depressing intake of new players, by leaving the largest volume of toxic users in the new player buckets, or by keeping new players out of the endorsed buckets...

Refused further service - they’d already gotten some cheese, and got it gratis for agreeing to leave quietly.

Anything pending about the ruling to dismantle the CFPB?

Need some quality massage-kigae...

“Parody” account, sorry :/

It was deliberate, though.  Not bothering to mark on the intake report that they had a child with them, not bothering to take a name or picture of the pair at intake, or at separation, that was intentional.  That makes the minor unaccompanied, and then subject to the whims and wherefores of the agency and processes in

No, I want clarity to avoid the diffusion and confusion that the House Republicans are trying to introduce. Sorry, sarcasm was meant to be implied in the original response, and I forget that that doesn’t travel well over text.

which bill? the one that caves in to demands, or the one that addresses only the problem at hand?