
Worse, because at least that investigation didn’t sap another organizational body’s time and resources. This one will. Intimidation and harassment melded with judicial warrants to produce documentation, interviews and interrogations of key staff, etc...

Common refrain?

Definitely not a snape hunt...

Only if they’re also trying to pretend like they actually read the bill(s).

The soldier that defected related stories of how badly their military folks have fallen in terms of basics to keep them complacent. When you can’t even feed your military properly, things are going to get really rough for you, fast.

Is there any indication that there’s a different percentage of that money that goes elsewhere? Or is that one of the effects that have been set back again with the pushback against privatization of VA medical care?

Sort of... once upon a time... at least from a policy perspective.

More or less...

Maybe... but the ones most impacted, that can’t get off of it, will either be so impoverished that they’ll have a hard time getting an opportunity to vote, working so hard that they’ll have a hard time getting to the polls, or dead... and therefore can’t (generally) vote.

Maybe mix it with instant run-off voting?

What Happened to Monday didn’t make the list? ... sad...

That’s fair, too. I think it’s a doubling-down effect, pulling on adopted cultural stereotypes, then measuring them against ancestral cultural values, and finding them lacking. I can’t speak to the effects of being raised Muslim (or Taoist or Buddhist... more familiarity doesn’t mean a better understanding there),

What about all the people that AREN’T saying that Doug Jones wants to kill babies?

I think they’re interrelated, which could lead to more interesting questions on how to address the problems. That is to say, my impression is that various sub-segments of at least the East Asian populations tend towards conservatism and nationalism as a result of the cultural ideals of conformity, with some notable

Protected classes... arguably political affiliation in this case, in the US... though not elsewhere. I think the ACLU has argued such cases in the past...

There’s some concern about letting kids become more rude in general... not sure yet whether there’s research into it, but it seems at least plausible on the face...

Seriously, though... don’t lose hope, there’s always the possibility of some little snacks with diced onions just around the corner...