
The winner-take-all systems in place for the executive branch leads us there. We look at examples like Paul LePage and think to ourselves “well, we split the vote with an alternative, but that just led to the crazy guy winning”.

How about making it less hard to show up for that core base, instead of making it even harder for minorities/etc. to cast their ballots, on the off chance that they actually get to show up?

While possibly true, ignorance isn’t inherited. Their kids and their outer social circles don’t deserve to be at risk because of their stubbornness.

Yes, things like bread cost 0.01% of your annual worth increase for a loaf, the billionaire only accrues the surplus value of his own work and the workers for the company accrue theirs to themselves. No one has to spend anything for basic needs or shared resources, so we can go to a straight flat tax.

The eyes... they best reflect the amount of No I have on this.

Or for those of us who can’t realistically pack up and move, just find some to reach out to for conversation. Finding a way to be sustained by righteous indignation can help power through...

Maybe as targets to mm... gentrify? I don’t know if there’s already a good equivalent word in common use...


Yep. Just like “One of the arguments for K9s is that they’re a ‘pain compliance’ tool: the bite is supposed to convince a suspect to hold still.” Dog is jerking my leg around, ripping it open, I’m supposed to hold still?

If she were okay with it, me too.

... the most exotic thing you saw in many small cities and towns is a Chinese restaurant. 

... but why is it selling Tippy Toe’s kids?

Tried and failed to find the “Pedant” pendant I saw a few moons ago... closest thing I could find:

Don’t forget, $10 per Gb downloaded.

Yep. It’s definitely a confusing position to be in, though, especially in light of the FCC’s position on Sinclair purchasing even more control over local media, across multiple avenues.