
Cool. Twenty years ago, visiting the internment camps made me sad. Seeing the coolie made me sad. Now, the internment camp makes me feel resolute, and determined to see those who would repeat it fail. Seeing the coolie nowadays makes me annoyed. I would have said the original intent was probably for the first

One more time. How did the statuary help educate me, assuming that I was actually uninformed? That’s the point, right? Or was your point that the artwork serves to make those who already understand feel better about understanding?

Could someone superimpose themselves over either of those pictures offensively, sure. Is that enough of a problem to consider how it could be addressed in perpetuity? I don’t know. Raging at someone who wants to consider that, maybe that’s helpful, too? I have doubts as to whether or not the San Fran Holocaust

Cool. Cool. On the other side of the border, where our education system no longer covers it very well, the assumption that everyone just knows falls apart. As you’re assuming applies to me, which is the point. You also seem to be assuming that I’m uncomfortable because my heritage is on one side of this debate. It

I see a few of those left as well, along with End of an Error, screaming eagles with heads on the arrows that its clutching. Hard to explain to the kids, although the seven year old asked me the other day if all Republicans are crazy, or just those. That took awhile to talk through.

So what you’re saying is... the hype isn’t real?

Yeah, and put corporate stooges in their place, because they’ll cost less. Right? No executive ever worked for more than the company’s researchers or technical staff.

To clarify, I’m not sure contextual plaques, explanations in articles, or active curators providing additional material are enough. They aren’t going to be in far shot pictures of the thing, they aren’t going to be visible or otherwise necessarily accessible to the world wide viewers of the thing. That makes it

I meant more in terms of a marker for popular opinion turning so far against the movement that it shattered the will of its constituent members, but yes, McCarthy still had as his motivation the putative good of the country, whereas Trump clearly does not. Nothing will shame Trump into admitting wrong-doing or

I’m kind of wondering if we’re still waiting to identify a “have you no sense of decency” moment, or if this really is it.

Missing context, intent becoming irrelevant. It’s not a straight line, but take, for instance, the Native people’s statue here:

I didn’t mean to imply that that type of order would be successful, mind you, just that some feeble attempt would be made under that unlikely scenario.

Fig leaf is a very tiny fig leaf... “under review” —> “long enough to pretend the outcome wasn’t already determined before beginning”, this time, without taking any action that could be interpreted as actually reviewing the thing.

Echoing other sentiments, but hopefully in cleaner terms.

As pointed out, that happened awhile ago. It’s more likely to cause a bigger blip if the sitting president calls for civil war against the alt-left. If he manages to actually submit an order to the military along those lines, instead of letting Sessions do it slowly via encouraging police actions, then maybe that’s

Bannon: “There are too many asian actresses nowadays, we need to get more real American actresses in these roles.” 

This guy for all the things...

His rant at his then wife about where to send their kid to school notwithstanding...

Or complaining about his businesses and personage being subpoena’d by some of Mueller’s team... exactly what he had his lawyer threaten Mueller not to do.