
You dirty dog!

I hope she’s able to get back to one of her favorite hobbies: reading magazines.

Hope he drew a lot of pictures and used stickers so Trump could actually understand it.

That’s not true.  We spend a fuck load of time sending out thoughts and prayers. 

That’s so West Virginia.

Yeah to be fair he didn’t mark it as racist therefore it can’t be racist.

He looks like if Ted Cruz and the old Uber CEO had a child together.

Only thing better would be the bull anticipating it turning around while he was in the air and goring him on the way down.

I am all for rehabilitation but some people just need to be thrown away.

Clean oil just can’t stop creating jobs.

Currently living with the consequences of letting them sleep in our bed. We shan’t make that mistake with the second.

Worth it for the lulz.

Everyone knows reducing dependencies makes decoupling easier.

My new startup is using AI to replace C-suite jobs.  Funding is not going as planned.

I thought this was going to be a clickhole/the onion post.

BK’s was easily my favorite.

First example is definitely weird but the second one actually sounds pretty good.

He watched Star Wars and thought, that Han Solo must be stopped!

I’d prefer a steam one, top hat and all.

He was pretty smart to hide his neck ridge.