
Probably should look at interracial marriage too.  

Yeah but it can’t even get me the Tab I order several decades ago.

From the guy that looks like a bond/Superman villain? Nooooo...

Say isn’t this the guy who intimidates witnesses.

Even her skin is on brand, amazing dedication.

I will believe in both santa and jesus if that happens.

One plot should be them banding together to get the dead guy out from the center of the house before it starts to smell. The lesson at the end is that he was the lucky one.

2020 will be the year Ow my balls! begins production.

Oh, uh... Ya know that guy in whose camper they... I... I mean, that guy off in whose camper they were whacking?

Winnie the Pooh is lookin’ tough.

He does know the will of the american people wanted someone else right?

It’s interesting you direct your hypothetical violence towards the baby and not the adult. Are you worried you wouldn’t be able to take them?  Because I am pretty sure they’d cave your skull in before you were able to do any real damage.

What if you don’t spend it and just let it sit there?

Didnt pray hard enough.

Googling that returns a picture that looks just like Mark Zuckerberg.

This is some The Onion level shit. 

We are a nation of laws!

I like how is neck doubles as his chin.  

Talk about exploiting a hole.

umm that sarcasm is textbook antisemitism.