
Is this the needful? Are they finally kindly doing it?

Or exploiting a backdoor vulnerability

But part of the issue is that we take steps to prevent those other kind of deaths. Meanwhile, we do fuck all about guns.

because its kind of hilarious? 

Here it is again in slow-motion and zoomed in a lot more.

“Sir, we’re losing altitude!” “Engage bottom rotor!”

Hi, Julianne, I’d like to add a few things to the list of worst things to happen in an office bathroom. I work in an office park and share a bathroom with about 10 other companies, you need a key to get in, but frequently find customers/clients of other tenants using the bathroom. Here’s just a little taste of what I

So my 4-year old daughter loves spider-man (went as spider-man for halloween). Thinking about taking her to see this, but wondering if this is appropriate for a 4-year old?

‘It’s Not a Fucking Accident’

awesome i’ll give dana the good news

A bus is like a land-boat. Natural rivals.

What is dead may never die

Considering Syracuse came into the tournament with effectively six players total, I’m pretty amazed they made it this far and came so close to pulling this one out. They looked completely gassed by the end.

That child is going to be a fucking monster. It’s not adorable.

I’ll keep supporting the most important amendment.

Master race

And his girlfriend is Karlie “teach girls computer programming” Kloss.

Now there’s a gif that makes you say “ACK!”

Ultimate Warrior the character was awesome, though. Couldn't work for shit, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone as over until maybe Goldberg. Anyone else have this as a kid?