
Definitely know when to walk away.

One weird looking guy.  Looks like someone put aging makeup on a toddler.

Didn’t want to give their viewers any ideas before the re-branding is complete.

She probably realizes that if she doesn’t constantly remind us of who her dad was she wouldn’t have a job because she’s an idiot.

yeah he should have known he would have been the richest man in the world prior to getting married. moron.

And I am no bluepie.

So he wants the AI to have lot of guns?

They’re taking violence away from good americans. Those kids could have been killed in ‘merica by ‘mericans.

And in another episode of the GOP not being able to pick a narrative.  This deeply offensive language is something that we just let roll off our backs.

Trump supporters DESTROYED by LOGIC!


Come on white genocide, you can do it.

So is he the Colby covington of baseball?

Surprised republicans would go see it to be honest.

Big mistake loving an alive girl jeff. Huge mistake.

Well cheer up steve king, you got to learn about hitler and all the neat things he did for white people. That must have made you happy.

The whole reason I have one that says Welcome is to disparage the idea that I am Welcoming of anyone.  But the simpletons keep showing up anyway!

As soon as I saw it was in Australia I thought it was going to be spiders with legs that are also spiders. 

I honestly don’t get the pride people feel in killing something that didn’t wrong you and can’t fight back.

Nice power play bezos. You made a city like NY kiss the ring and pay for the luxury.