
I think you’re overestimating how outraged I am. But to answer your question: a trump supporter would have been OK.  One of the fat and stupid ones so the turtle would have had a chance.

Pass. Not nearly enough LED lighting. 

So we have a murder, an execution and a white guy getting off scot-free.

Hey, don’t go Putin this on them.

Goes after children who were victims of gun violence and want gun control, non-binary people and wasn’t even remotely funny. He’ll do great in the alt-right circuit.  When’s rogan going to have him on.

I actually forgot about this ‘fight’.  Can’t wait for Mayweather to take on Mini Kiss though. 

They prefer the more PC term white nationalist. 

What a waste of time, they could be off cleaning their loaded shotguns while drinking beer.

Just trying to double his fun.

Someone just didn’t flush after a massive dump, left it all in there.

Is it really an essay if just crude drawings and scribbles with a sharpie?

I’m in the same boat with my 3 year old. Big thing for him now is pretending he’s spider-man, can’t quite get the hand gesture down.

Best taint wipes on the market.

hahah holy fuck.

I saw Bo Burnham coming out of one of those escape the room things as he was waiting to go in with a bunch of people. I had heard of but never really knew what he looked like so all i was thinking was holy shit he’s tall.. he must play basketball.

Then we’ll know when the pixel will get one. 

The original is sexier.

Well he was teach in Alabama sooo....... no.

Wonder what that creep bag is up to.  Drinking some young virgin’s blood no doubt.

I’m loving it too. After Brigitte I’ll take anything though.