
Yeah, won’t matter. The people who believe every word Trump says basically are immune to facts and reason and independent thought.

adds a comforting hassle

They’re out there, and they’re... not comforting. It’s “security theater” - it catches almost nothing, but adds a comforting hassle.

“Would-be homebuyers in expensive markets are caught in a bind. The only way to get away from surging rents is to save up a down payment, but the rising rents keep them from saving.”

He could cross over to soccer and put them all to shame.

lol communication.

This guy belongs in the Trump cabinet. Every time he throws a cheap shot, he reacts like a victim.

Reuben, what happened at the combined?!

Even if this is a joke, this is dumb kinja

But did she apologize for putting her feet on the Oval Office couch?

Fuck every single thing about this excerpt, probably the entire book, and especially the author. (ETA: His kid gets a pass for being young and stupid, but extra fuck the author for validating that bullshit.)

Because our education system still says the Commies are bad, and there’s a taboo about teaching why or talking any deeper about it. “They were bad, now let’s move on to the Civil Rights Act of 1965...” It was a real complaint by a friend in 7th grade to our American Studies teacher. “WHY was it bad?” Not in a my dad

Easy. Their franchise was built on an Ancient Native American stereotype and is thus cursed.


Yeah but we should leave Ronald Reagan out of this.

How pathetic is it that, 45 years after this horrific event, we have a President that suggest maybe Jews themselves committed acts of vandalism on their graves and called in bomb threats on their schools, all in order to make him look bad?

Ray Lewis doesn’t understand the point you are trying to make.

Let’s see, on one hand TO and Moss were “not nice teammates”, on the other Marvin Harrison may or may not have actually killed someone, hmmm....

The price of admission is 100 percent to the GM, 100 percocet to the owner.

Knowing that the FCC is trying to limit consumer access, then actively rallying against it so that everyone can have affordable communications access is a lifehack in my book. Without knowing about what the FCC is doing or rallying against them, consumer internet access goes down one path, but with knowledge and