
Uptight writer’s Takeout take

This Hari guy doesn’t seem very funny for a “comedian”.

Yes, Eleanor is the bad guy in this story. What a monster.

+1 inside job

Another word- WRITEOFF. As in, massive institutional investors dump money in gigantic long-shots like Uber to avoid paying taxes on all the profits they’re making elsewhere in this economy.

So, you’re actually Thomas L. Friedman? Either way, please hang yourself, choke on a beignet, get kidnapped by one of those pinche cab drivers, or otherwise pipe down until you have something interesting to say.

Ooh, it’s dumb racist generalization day on the the root, again! Can we call each other schvartzers yet? Thank you so much for normalizing bigotry, it really takes a load off!

Yes, if there’s any institution one can count on in a trying time such as this, surely it is the NFLPA. /s


Domestic violence is fine when women do it. Got it.

If this is political violence, then that’s not good. More likely Paul is an asshole in person who had it coming, but that narrative does nothing to make Fox viewers feel superior, so let’s call the guy a librul and move on, is just as likely. Facts? What are facts?

Most likely, the richest journalist would be a mensch and pay for the beers, because he knows exactly how much spectacularly better-off he is than the rest of those poor slobs. This happens routinely in minor-league baseball, when a superstar stops in on a rehab stint he generally will take care of dinner with the


1. Take contract.

She’s going to be President within 20 years, tops, because “we” are just that goddamn stupid. Defederalizing is starting to look very attractive- is there any other way to get away from these people?

seems reasonable

Let’s leave San Francisco out of this, m’k? This asshole is Texan through and through. 

In defeat they shall be yet more Christ-like.

LA gone lose

You seem upset. Maybe you should turn into a crow and fly around for a while, perhaps you’ll feel better. I’m not starting a conversation, and telling you to shut up. But, as long as you’re pitching silly insults at me you’re not spreading that horrid hippy dreck to the public, so keep at it- I’ll take that for the