
There is no such thing as public feuds bewteen celebrities. There is only publicity and the simpletons that follow it.

Kata Mara's maternal and paternal families founded the Pittsburgh Steelers and the NY Giants, respectively. If she wasn't acting, I think she would be okay.


Do those actually work for some people?

It was up against the Globes last year, too.

I don't know how PA has escaped notice for the routinely terrible and weird shit that happens up there, but it is legit the FL of the North.

Chalk that up to another reason Western Pennsylvania is a terrible place with terrible people.

It's pretty ridiculous that an Oscar-winning actress who is widely considered one of the best at her craft would have to negotiate that substantial a pay raise to be equal to "not the one who was engaged to Miley."

The quality or content of the film is not the issue here, and completely unimportant.


GO. Go on, git. No one wants to do this again.

Finding Kanye and Kim too tacky for words isn't pearl clutching, it's having eyeballs and a functioning brain.

That is some grade-A, premium, ENVIABLE shade from Anna Wintour. I'm taking notes.

The power your computer consumed while you typed this comment could have provided light for 13 orphans to learn to read. You monster.

I don't need any help - I'm not the one projecting lofty roles onto an entertainer.

People have made her a pillar of feminism.

She's ok as far as pop artists go ( her music isn't my thing at all) but I'm confused by the 'EVERYTHING SHE DOES IS THE GREATEST THING EVER' to me shes indistinguishable from Rihanna, Katy Perry, lady gaga..

Haha, yes, please perform the "drunk guy approaching women on the street" experiment. The women will love it, and your research will be invaluable.
