Regarding poking holes in this plan, I have not tried the following line of reasoning on a wingnut, but to me, it makes sense (big caveat - I’m not evangelical or right-wing so my brain works differently).
Regarding poking holes in this plan, I have not tried the following line of reasoning on a wingnut, but to me, it makes sense (big caveat - I’m not evangelical or right-wing so my brain works differently).
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on this, I appreciate it.
I understand preferring the salad bowl model over the melting pot model and staying in one’s lane so to speak. I have a difficult time parsing where people who are the conclusion (mixed ethnicity/race) of the past few generations who bought into the shitty melting pot idea should be.
“Hey jazzman, I’ve got a very presidential answer for this.”
Remember her counter-pie skills?
Yes! Pooty, help your boy out and roll out the Russian pop royalty!
Trump especially loses his shit when he perceives classic NY institutions STILL rejecting him despite how rich, successful, powerful he becomes (see obsession with Vanity Fair, SNL, NY Times, etc.). It’s like returning to a class reunion and the cool kids who picked on you in high school still treat you like a schmuck…
We can categorize trans and other gender non-conforming people equality issues under an intersectionality praxis, a movement that I think most of us on the left are 100% behind. The way that this has been communicated by younger activists needs some work.
I can’t believe that six short years after I dressed as a sexy devil for Halloween AKA a sexy devil costume and a rubber Dick Cheney face mask, I can now say that I would rather have Cheney back, face shooting and all.
Chill, Vlad.
Spot on. My contempt for stan culture is congruous to the contempt that I have for our society’s ideological post fact culture. Yes, the left’s stan culture is nowhere as toxic or societally detrimental as the right’s post fact culture, but they come from the same anti-intellectual place that Idiocracy mocked.
My mantra in 2012 was, “In Nate Silver, I trust.” He was accurate.
We need a list of all of the senators who voted against this and who’s up for reelection this year. Find the campaign website of their democratic opponent. We go full Bernie Sanders and contribute whatever we can to fight money with money.
Oddly enough, I think there may be more than one black gay Trump supporter. This profile appears to be the guy from TAL.…
This lil doozy was the perfect combination of lunatics in charge, prestige education reporting, and borderline nihilism. Fucking awful.…
Second and third photos are the screen shots from that video and the first photo is the instagram post. This last photo is a pic of gold panhandlers in the Sierra Foothills mid 1800s, and the default image for what Americans associate with “gold digger/panhandler” in the historical context, not the trophy wife…
Are we really living in a time where a (big fucking scare quotes) “writer” mines Twitter, reposts a Twitter user’s completely speculative post, only to add pictures that in no way, shape, or form supports the story at hand, AND people comment with an automaton-like outrage reflex because they were fucking trained to…
Yikes, it looked like you had responded to me and I accidentally replied because Kinja!