
The headline could be better. My first thought after reading it was that this transgender person was made fun of in Chappelle’s special and later killed themselves- not that her and Chappelle were friends...

I think the strength of Teigen’s response is in the fact that she’s just not taking his trolling seriously. She’s laughing at the trolling, and hitting him exactly where she knows it hurts him. She’s not using the words “pussy” and “bitch” because she thinks there’s anything wrong with women. She’s using the words

Really, it’s not that much different than Bud Light being the most popular beer (In the states anyway).

Sometimes the writers here come off as living in a bubble. 

I don’t need her to be a leftist dream, I need her to be better than Mitch. It’s a pretty low bar. Campaigning in a way that talks to voters she needs to win over, conservatives who have probably voted red their whole lives (or voted southern democrat when that was still a thing) is smart. 

It’s hilarious that they expected any different. I imagine that the kind of Americans they’re going to find in a bar in France cheering for the US Women’s National Team could not possibly be further from the kind of people who subscribe to the Fox News worldview.

Yep, he’s very childish. That’s one of the reasons why we need to get him out in 2020.

This is a lovely reminder to those fetid trailer trash numskulls that watch Fox News that most of the world actually hates their beloved douchebag leader.

You’re a little late for permanent brain damage, that ship has sailed.

It's enough to cause a rage stroke. Who but the most cowardly and power hungry does this to a child? 

A grown man attacks a 13 year old boy and cops are like “Well I don’t see a crime here.”

She wants to have it both ways. Her rabid fans support the myth that she is the greatest human being in history, with quite a lot of support from the media. Why would she ask them to cool it, when most days it all goes according to plan?

Watching Trump fuck over the people dumb enough to vote for him is the only entertaining thing about his presidency.

lol I was with you until baby leashes. My baby doesn't walk yet but I imagine she'll be crazy as all fuck and I'll definitely need one if those leash things. (I also hope she walks soon because she's like 22 pounds now and my arms can't take it) 

My son’s in first grade and there is a classmate whose mom carries him everywhere. She’s petite and he’s not a peanut; his feet dangle past her knees. She carries him from the bus, she carries him to the bus, he sits on top of her on the bus. I thought maybe he had some kind of mobility challenge but them I saw him at

I call shenanigans. They’re in cahoots together to create social media drama and drive traffic.

So if your choice is between a guaranteed and unwanted ass reaming, or things possibly getting better or, at worst, staying the same, you’d rather sit that decision out and let fate decide? That is some grade A stupidity.

That flyer is stupid but as I argued with people who let their emotions cloud their better judgment in the 2016 election: voting is not about your feelings.

I have to laugh every time I read an article like this. “I’m not judging. I mean, girl power and own your sexuality and whatnot but [INSERT JUDGMENT].” Just because someone says they aren’t judging doesn’t negate the judging that immediately follows.

And I don’t give a shit.