
This is where all the liberal hand-wringing leads us. If I see one more “Volk of der Heartland” piece which explains to us latte-sippers just what those inexplicable people are thinking so we can understand them better, I’m going to fucking scream. Mostly I’ve learned that what they think is not worth listening to.

We are all Charles this week.

Beyonce’s team tried to have unflattering images literally removed from the internet. She gives all these fucks people always talk up.

yeah shit like this is exactly why people don’t take the pay gap seriously. this is like a softball to conservatives to knock down because it’s so poorly argued.

The real comparison would be Carter’s salary 25 years ago inflation-adjusted. Same job, same magazine, same company with similar work experience at the job. Comparing her salary to Carter’s salary in 2017 is like comparing a rookie coach salary to that of an experienced multiple championship winning veteran coach in

I think she’s using it to say “I’m not one of those slutty liberals, I voted for Trump so I’m one of the good ones, believe me”.

It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.

I have a hypothesis that the marketing glut of boutique I.P.A.s and sour beers owes a lot to their strong tastes covering up the sins of mediocre brewing.

The most shocking aspect of this whole article is how Dave and Pam are married, yet don’t share a last name. How did this happen with these people?

This is something that has really bothered me about online discourse in the last 5 years or so. It doesn’t matter that there are nearly infinite reasons to hate and criticize certain people or things, we have to keep making everything that happens into a new source of outage. I get it to some extent, because righteous

Now playing

I REALLY am loathe to defend Trump, but video CLEARLY shows Abe doing it first. This is why alt-right idiots bleat on about fake news.

Regarding poking holes in this plan, I have not tried the following line of reasoning on a wingnut, but to me, it makes sense (big caveat - I’m not evangelical or right-wing so my brain works differently).

In a world where people are more and more disinterested and cynical about politic, I think it’s specially important to have strong consumer protection. Pushing back against false advertising is an important part of this. The way corporation and company advertise and give information to the public should be regulated.

I think it’s just Bloom et al poking a little fun at us ladies. The show satirizes the socialized behavior of everyone, including women. She’d like us to admit that even the most rational of us ladies sometimes over-generalize and stereotype about men when we are sad or hurt or when we commiserate with our friends.

It’s either just a harmless fluff piece about bitching with your friends, or:

I had read that she serves as Kelly’s enforcer in the White House: the body who will actively stand in the way of certain people seeing and talking to Trump. I had also read that she’s disliked in the WH and has been responsible for kicking political people out of policy meetings, like NSC, who have no business being

I think eventually people will realize she was a sacrificial lamb to the tidal wave of crazy. She will be to Trump what Natalie Maines was to GWB.

I HATE Josh Chan (though he is an excellent depiction of every basic-ass nice-but-also-terrible dude from not-quite Los Angeles.)

I was already eaten alive by someone on another thread who basically said that if we believe the victims we also need to be sympathetic to Chapman, who was a young naive woman who was taken in by a charming older man! It’s like, ffs, women are not simpleminded children who somehow end up married to a a rich troll,