
As a point of information, the tagline is actually The Perfect "Body", referencing the Body by Victoria bra collection (note the quotes around "Body" indicating such). The outrage-causing image shown above is a screen grab from the "Body by Victoria" landing page on the website. This version, in absence of the

no, global beet, it's about awful pc groups ruining the country

They eat guinea pigs in Peru more than Japan.

A reserved golf clap? They don't even deserve that. Does being the first black ______ matter when you gained said position by essentially renouncing your blackness?

I don't want to be an age-ist, but if you required your offspring to set up your new computer, you should not be able to vote.

That black and white mentality is exactly what kills our side, I swear. We can't agree for long enough to make progress and anyone who makes a mistake is crucified.

How is it "ableist" to point out that a candidate works against he disabled?

Yeah because unless a candidate is ideologically and politically perfect everyone should leave them vulnerable to the other guy. Perfect or nothing. Gotta love that black and white mentality.

It doesn't have to be a "never ending battle" if his CAPTIVE audiences stop being docile. Maybe if more people talked back to him, he'd eventually get worn out and STFU. How many people is this one asshole annoying/offending? About time HE had to listen to some unwelcome input.

I'm pretty sure she's being scolded for the right reasons: i.e. being an oversharing, solipsistic, privileged twit who thinks every damn thought that crosses her brain is a Precious Pearl That Needs to Be Expressed to the World.

Would never of

Is there a group that protests outside CPCs with signs saying what they do and don't provide and pointing women to the nearest actual medical center? I'd really love to turn the tables on these jackasses and undermine their ability to deceive women, but I haven't found a group that does this and I wouldn't know how to

comparing himself to the Wright brothers.

I get what you are saying completely in many contexts. What many US people don't get is that musicians come to Australia and make a shit load of cash performing their concerts. The majority of people going to rap concerts are very young and impressionable like Azalea was when she literally ran away from home to become

This is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Americans are responsible for their "cultural imperialism"? Here's an idea, if you don't want "American culture" in your country, stop importing it. Nobody else is to blame. I'd love to hear the damage this "imperialism" is doing. I'm sure listening to The Black

Someone tried to diss her by saying she looked like one of the movie White Chicks so she dressed up as one of them for Halloween.

On the one hand you're right, American cultural influence has overshadowed a lot of home-grown arts (I'm Canadian, I feel it at least as much as you do). On the other hand HOLY SHIT there's a bit of a lack of self awareness in that complaint. I mean, a dominant overseas country sending in music and movies is not quite

Do you actually fuck spaghetti?

It's not freaking racist to dislike mysogyny. It spans every race, gender, and sexuality.

The whole "Iggy is evil racist witch with the power of 'audio blackface'!" thing is getting old