I actually remember back in the day when they released a one-handed SNES controller designed for playing RPGs....while eating a sandwich i guess
I actually remember back in the day when they released a one-handed SNES controller designed for playing RPGs....while eating a sandwich i guess
BTW, almost every comic book superhero ever made has both giant crotch bulges and a skin-tight outfit so form-hugging that it perfectly contours to literally EVERY INDIVIDUAL ABDOMINAL MUSCLE, something that is probably impossible in real life without the suit being made of painted-on liquid latex.
You just described like half of all pictures on DeviantArt
No, Whiteblaze is right. Art should portray women how they actually look, in real life: hunched over a computer criticizing other peoples art
Also, fine art from centuries ago actually DIDNT portray the naked female form as "what women actually looked like" at lot of the time, since they used MALE models because it was considered "immoral" and harmful to women for men to look at their nude bodies unless they were married to each other (which is why the…
They also fucked little boys
Youre right. The human body is passe. Artists should find something new to draw, paint, and sculpt. Preferably something that doesnt make me feel self conscious about my own appearance and trigger my crippling anxiety issues that everyone else should be forced to walk on eggshells around.
They make baby Jesus cry. Women should only be seen naked by their husbands, and then only for the sole purpose of procreation.
Obviously its ridiculous male objectification catering to misandrist fangirls. Armor is supposed to be designed to deflect blows, not blah blah blah blah
At least she could breastfeed an entire litter of Thorpuppies
Seems like the problem then isnt having boobs molded into your armor, its having TWO boobs molded into your armor, instead of one boob, directly in the middle.
Im more offended by the fact that Thor's hammer STILL doesnt look like Mjollnir.
I always just assume that everyone else on the internet is a slivered fraction of my own fractured psyche, and every argument i have with them is just my brain trying to work through some shit.
This is disgusting but lets not forget that half the country blamed Trayvon Martin for his own murder, and are CURRENTLY victim-blaming the shit out of everyone in Palestine and claiming that Israel too was "provoked" into indiscriminately murdering innocent civilians.
This isnt some problem our society has with men…
I swear to god, booknerd fanpersyns are the most hysterically entitled kneejerk reactionaries on Earth. "Its not exactly the way it was in the book, THE WORLD IS DOOMED TO RUIN AND ANARCHY!!!!". You sound like children. Which i guess is appropriate for people who still read books with knights and dragons on the covers.
"Hell, they couldn't even get the title right - they named the damn series after the first book, a title utterly incongruent with the focus of the book series, but very much congruent with the focus of the show."
So then they DID get the title right
Simple solution: dont show his face
The problem there isnt that removing that part changed the relationship between Tyrion and Tywin. Its that it changes Tyrion's relationship with himself. You lose out on that whole revelation that its possible someone DID love him for who he was, rather than out of obligation or greed or pity.
Its so weird to me how many people are upset about Cersei's "rape" considering shes previously ordered other women to be raped before. Cersei is a monster who deserves whatever shes got coming to her.
"Im pretty sure he regrets the contract he signed."
Yeah im sure he dries his tears every night with stacks of $100 bills