
LOL. Ok, first you criticized them for turning what was a loving, romantic, beautiful sex scene between a brother (who pushed a small child out a window to kill him) and his murderous, sociopathic sister on top of their murdered son's corpse into something disgusting and tawdy, then you complain about them taking away

You do realize that youre not talking about real people right? Theyre not ACTUALLY taking some woman's kingdom away from her (as if dynastic monarchies arent a million times more socially harmful than run of the mill sexism in the first place). What they would be doing is choosing to PORTRAY Dorne as being as

Go watch old Sex and the City reruns then

Why would they have to announce the casting of Lady Stoneheart? Theres literally only one person it could be.

Her contacts didnt just spontaneously generate an amoeba. She probably got it from swimming in some festering stinkhole natural body of Taiwanese water. Stay out of lakes and rivers and youll be fine.

Every viral video on the internet is an ad. Every single one. Soon enough, even our dreams will be ads.

Ted Nugent tickets? Theyre going to DIE down there.

Actually Tyler Rogoway is a "defense journalist", which is internet code for "MIC lobbyist and government shill"

"Straight trashed Vidal in the Times, saying that he lived out his last few years in fear of being exposed as a guy who committed "Jerry Sandusky acts" with minors."

This entire discussion is meaningless in the first place, since 100% of all fondant cakes taste like shit


Mansplaining is doubleplusungood. Someone should report that guy for crimethink!

Tingle is Varys

1. Eat Pills

liek oh em gee u guyz, there goin 2 make Link a GURL lik ME!!! thas so keeeewwwlllll! the dreamz of my foremothers has finally cheeved adn we can end sexism, just like how we ended racistism when Obama was elected Presadent!!!! #yesallhylians

Hey remember the LAST time everybody got pissed off that the new Zelda was going to be cel-shaded instead of NEXT GEN GRAFFICKS and how fucking retarded ass wrong they all ended up being? I sure as hell do!

Its VICE. Their followup will be getting one of their reporters to pretend Marshawn Lynch kidnapped him, and then explain why this is grounds for the US military invading Oakland, CA, followed by a 6 photo pictorial of Terry Richardson raping an underage high school cheerleader. Feministically, of course.

Sacrificing ones principles just to get laid is the oldest and most celebrated pasttime of the Male American Hipster. Why do you think so many of them pretend to be Feminists?

Sports are for braindead lemmings who love to waste money and wear stupid outfits and hipsters are braindead lemmings who love to waste money and wear stupid outfits. Its a match made in hell.

So not a single person has bought one of these shirts, and yet here there is an entire article about it on this website. Alright Rob Harvilla, are YOU the one who made this whole thing up, or are you just helping out a friend by pimping his product for him?