
The problem is white women, who objectively have it pretty good, often drown out women of color and transgender women, who objectively have it way fucking worse.

I don't care one whit for "gamergate" or whatever they want to call themselves- bunch of idiots, if you ask me. I'm just sick and tired of tiny groups of pearl clutching outrage factories turning everything into a discussion about how the world is out to get them- on BOTH sides of the fence.

"Self imposed victim complex". You mean like the less than 1% of the population that's ruining game coverage by turning every conversation into whining about misogyny in games?

so slender people in real life don't have internal organs according to you?

"I don't know if we oversexualize the male characters."

Many many male characters are over-sexualized. The problem is that men and women have different standards of beauty (real and constructed) and therefore it's difficult for men and women to see it from the other side; sexualized women have larger breasts, lithe forms with accentuated hips, long legs, and wear clothing

Blizzard is trying to do women characters better... by showing straight ass.

An eclectic musician's favorite team will never be Royals. They might be Giants.

I'd offer one mild correction. It's true that this is probably the most vitriolic case of unexamined privilege we've seen in a long while, but the double-bind is that even though these are straight white males, they're the straight white males who are at the bottom of the totem pole. They're nurds. This is why

Actually, I did know about this.

Fun fact about "sky"; it was introduced to english by the vikings speaking old norse. However, here in scandinavia, it means cloud.

but seriously who cares? So they short themselves a few sales. To quote one of the great American philosophers, thats breakage.

I am not an iPhone or Apple fan in general, but 9 bent phones out of 10,000,000 units sold and counting makes Bendergate, Bendmageddon, Bendpocalypse or whatever you want to call it, an overreaction to a problem that effectively does not exist..

Good point, good point. How's season four of the Sopranos going for you?

I recently cancelled U-Verse, expecting a fight. Our promotion period ended and the rate jumped 50%. Luckily, there are two competing cable companies in my area (WOW! and Cox, but really just WOW!) I called ATT and told me to give them their best deal and they did. It wasn't good enough to compete with WOW!, so I told

This is Gawker Media in a nutshell:

Well someone needs a hug.

... This makes too much sense to be untrue.

For further proof, I submit this photo from a secret camera in Michele Bachmann's office: