
If only water made up over 70% of the Earth’s surface and literally fell from the sky every single day!

Non-indicative Charms

Youre right, it IS a caricature now. But caricature is a thing that has remained popular for centuries because people enjoy it.

Ive punched a man before. And a man has punched me. And we all "got away with it". The world didnt end. Sometimes people just get punched. If theres no permanent damage, nobody loses an eye or a tooth, its no big deal. Man up and get over it. The Brits survived the damn Blitz for gods sake

"That is absolutely grounds for firing, in any organization."

Not the World Boxing Association!

Yeah, especially since it SHOULD say "Keep Clarkson and Carry On"

Clarkson may be a lout, but hes a funny, harmless one and he opposes a very particular brand of European Fascism that for some reason, most people who consider themselves to be on the left (the LIBERAL left, mind you) seem extraordinarily blind to.

Im a far-left Marxist and if Clarkson leaves Top Gear im cancelling my cable subscription

Like seriously 90% of all female erotica and romance novels involve a woman being "raped" only to start enjoying it halfway through. But for some reason, women's smut is exempt from criticism.

This porn doesnt even have "involved parties" in the first place. Theyre digital constructs. Its an animation. A CGI cartoon.

Complaining about video game porn filmmakers raping CGI women seems a lot like complaining about disasterporn filmmakers killing CGI cows. You do know theyre not actually people...right?

Someone....PLEASE save these digital women from their virtual exploitation!

"From that point forward, the men no longer have to force Kasumi into submission—she enthusiastically participates in the gangbangs."

Wow, sounds empowering! What a beautiful example of sex-positive Feminism! Belle Knox would be proud!

"I'm not trying to attack you, but I think a problem with female characters is that they're too often exactly the same, physically. This is, to a certain extent, a problem with all superhero characters, but it's especially pronounced in female characters."

Yes, as opposed to male superhero characters, who are all

Uh the whole point of Samus's Zero Suit is that its basically the underwear for a giant hulking suit of space armor. Making her look like some Solid Snake clone is fucking retarded.

"Would Jonah Hex be a better character if he were prettier? Would Bruce Banner?"

You mean the guy portrayed by dreamboat trifecta Eric Bana, Edward Norton, and currently Mark Ruffalo?

Probably the massive, massive number of nostalgic 80s kids who are now old enough to be taking their own children to movies? The same ones every other company in America is currently hitting up the 80s/90s nostalgia train hard as fuck to court?

Its cute that you think youre actually more mature than your parents. Just wait until you have kids.

Except that in real life, its only the bad guys and criminal scum who live secret double lives, while the actual heroes live their lives out in the open, without deception.