
i have dismissed wanderer woman who appears to be a racist, right-wing, trump dick-sucking troll. she needs to go back to stormfront with her white sheets and stop instigating on progressive sites. i would suggest the rest of you dismiss her also as there is no “equal time” for ignoramuses.

Genuine question, not trying to be an ass. Why do you feel that way? I have a ton of friends i haven’t spoken to in a long time but i just assumed we are still friends even though we have sort of drifted apart over the years. I would be thrilled to invite them to a life event if i was having one. I hope that they

being called nigger (once as a child at a white christian camp), on at least a few occasions having white women grab their purses when they see me (a middle-aged black woman), getting glares when i am in “white spaces” such as a botanic garden. talked down to even though i have a juris doctorate, actually fucking

One of my favorite Internets for so many reasons!

I hope it turns out like those crazy kids, Mudasir and Asif. Who doesn’t like a good old-fashioned Friendship Regain?

None of that is cool. You shouldn’t have to point out that it’s worse else where. Jesus Christ shit happens everywhere else. Just because it’s less here doesn’t mean it’s okay. What a way to justify that someone was killed.

So you’re saying that this dead Muslim girl, beaten with a baseball bat, made it all up? It’s a hoax? Just what kind of nincompoop are you?

Well look at Mr. Responsible Gun Guy over here. Advocating for pointing a weapon at someone and ‘hoping’ it doesn’t have to be fired. That’s not how it works. You aim the weapon, you’re already committed to firing it. You make that decision before you ever reach for it because you never aim at something you don’t

I wish people would stop giving this advice. Not everyone should have a gun. For example, I have a history of depression and anxiety (including some self-harm), and I don’t make snap decisions well. Yet I’ve been told I should start carrying a gun literally anytime I’ve talked about the joy of traveling alone, the

Oh look, a racist troll fear mongering about CAIR just like all the far-right hate groups tell you to. Good for you, parroting the message. Unfortunately for you, some us are actually educated and knowledgeable.

Please dismiss the troll replying to you. No one needs to see that shit.

This is just awful, that poor girl, her friends and family. So glad that monster has been arrested (and so quickly).

Could we get an edit on that headline and remove the word “captured”? She was a young girl, not an escaped convict or an animal that needed to be picked up somewhere. She was not captured. She was abducted. She was kidnapped and murdered.

Yet detectives state that they have “not gotten any indication that this was motivated by hate or bias.”

Wonder why they aren’t looking for a second suspect??

To my mind (and many others) borderline personality disorder is often a different way of saying “complex PTSD with extreme attachment issues”—it’s incredibly stigmatized mostly, I think, because it almost solely affects women (which isn’t to say that men don’t also experience complex PTSD with attachment issues, but

I read a novel recently where the protagonist is a young woman with borderline personality disorder who recognizes it, is in therapy and medicated and trying not to be a shitheel to everyone around her. I realized that I’d never seen a narrative of someone with BPD or narcissistic personality disorder where they were

you do know that there can be no way you can make an analogy that kkk = black panthers, right?

And yet, somehow I doubt they’ed grant a permit if a group called al qaeda in Virginia tried to do do this. The US Government has a long history of unconstitutionally suppressing people’s right to free speech and yet whenever its some white nationalist organization everyone throws up their hands and says there’s

What literal acts of terror on American citizens have the Black Panthers committed? Thanks!