
Repeat after me: revenge porn is never ok.

That’s absolutely revenge porn. He should face charges. End of story.

Keep the obligatory, “what he did is messed up, but I really feel sorry for the guy” comments to yourselves. Abuse is abuse, no matter how pathetic one is.

What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.

*Sigh* Once again, I must don the cape and cowl of That Guy.

Because for transgender people we have historical and scientific evidence that not only is it “how we feel” but there are physical and biological reasons why we feel that way. Meanwhile trans-racial has exactly zero evidence that someone’s brain is in any way affected by the color of their skin.

As a trans woman I can definitely say that that video is FULL of shit. So...you know...screw these guys.

As a trans woman I can definitely say that that video is FULL of shit. So...you know...screw these guys.

No. Gender roles and gender expression are social constructs. Gender identity is not. That’s the problem with your argument. It’s always amazed me that people can accept the idea of sexual orientation as innate, but not sex/gender identity.

I know you’re a troll from the way you parrot transphobic propaganda, but I’ll tell you anyway that you’re full of shit. Your assertion that “[m]ost of those gender non-conforming children would grow up to be happy, well-adjusted gay adults” is based on studies conducted as long ago as the 1960s, which never, ever

As just one difference — as Kat Blaque points out — two white European parents cannot give birth to an African child. (Even though the idea of separate, clearly defined races is a social construct,  it’s certainly based on certain physical traits held in common by different geographical groupings.) But any two

Others have broken it down better than I could, but I just want to add (by way of Ijeoma Oluo) that one distinction between the two is that transgender is a two-way street while transrace is not. Meaning, a man can just about as easily become a woman and pass as a woman, as a woman can become a man and pass as a man.

Honest question here, are you the same assclown who asks this question (seemingly verbatim) every time these topics come up? Are there others? Do you all have meetings?

Its simple. Transgender is believed to arise from a difference in the wiring of the brain vs. physical anatomy. More explicitly, one can be born with a brain hard-wired like a male and the anatomy of a woman.

But there is no such “hard wiring” for ethnicity...No one can claim “I was born with a black mind and

Nope. You’re not going to get treated well for being a fucking stupid person asking a fucking stupid question. No white people, you DO NOT get to be fucking “transracial” - go fuck yourself.

Gender is a commonality across the entire human species. Race is not. People of all colors have the same likelihood of being born trans. That’s not the case with race.

Its simple. Transgender is believed to arise from a difference in the wiring of the brain vs. physical anatomy. More explicitly, one can be born with a brain hard-wired like a male and the anatomy of a woman.

But there is no such “hard wiring” for ethnicity, and more specifically, our culture. Culture is usually

(Another vote for you watching the video and going from there.)

I’d have less trouble believing that you’re asking this question in good faith if you had questions related to the video above which was so helpfully added to the article for you.